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DeepMind co-founder chides Elon over UK AI summit comments: ‘He’s not an AI scientist’ Mustafa Suleyman, CEO of Inflection AI and DeepMind’s co-founder, dismissed Elon Musk’s cautionary AI comments at the recent UK AI summit. He emphasized Musk’s expertise lies more in space and automotive, not AI, in a post-event interview with the BBC. #AIProject #Pristrade #BBC #Elon_Musk

DeepMind co-founder chides Elon over UK AI summit comments: ‘He’s not an AI scientist’

Mustafa Suleyman, CEO of Inflection AI and DeepMind’s co-founder, dismissed Elon Musk’s cautionary AI comments at the recent UK AI summit. He emphasized Musk’s expertise lies more in space and automotive, not AI, in a post-event interview with the BBC.

#AIProject #Pristrade #BBC #Elon_Musk

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