Binance Square
Digital Asset Products Record Outflows In Sixth Co #Cryptocurrency investment products recorded outflows for the sixth consecutive week with market leaders #Bitcoin (BTC) and #Ethereum (ETH) leading the pack. A new CoinShares market report shows total outflows from digital asset products totaling $9 million with #BTC accounting for $6 million in its third consecutive week of outflows while leading altcoin #ETH in its sixth consecutive week of outflows posted $2.2 million. $BTC $ETH

Digital Asset Products Record Outflows In Sixth Co

#Cryptocurrency investment products recorded outflows for the sixth consecutive week with market leaders #Bitcoin (BTC) and #Ethereum (ETH) leading the pack.

A new CoinShares market report shows total outflows from digital asset products totaling $9 million with #BTC accounting for $6 million in its third consecutive week of outflows while leading altcoin #ETH in its sixth consecutive week of outflows posted $2.2 million.


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