Binance Square
Crypto Revolution Masters
🔔 Lista (LISTA) Megadrop Live Now on Binance ! Binance announces Lista native token $LISTA as 2nd Megadrop Project. Users can earn reward by Locking $BNB and completing Web3 Quests in the Megadrop. Total rewards available in the Lista Megadrop is 100 million $LISTA, Initial Circulation Supply of $LISTA token is 230 million and the Total Supply is 1 Billion $LISTA. ▶️ Megadrop Info: ▪️Token Name: Lista (LISTA) ▪️Max Token Supply: 1B $LISTA ▪️Megadrop Token Rewards: 100M $LISTA (10% of max token supply) ▪️Initial Circulating Supply: 230M $LISTA (23% of max token supply) ▶️ Check More Details Here:

🔔 Lista (LISTA) Megadrop Live Now on Binance !

Binance announces Lista native token $LISTA as 2nd Megadrop Project. Users can earn reward by Locking $BNB and completing Web3 Quests in the Megadrop. Total rewards available in the Lista Megadrop is 100 million $LISTA, Initial Circulation Supply of $LISTA token is 230 million and the Total Supply is 1 Billion $LISTA.

▶️ Megadrop Info:

▪️Token Name: Lista (LISTA)

▪️Max Token Supply: 1B $LISTA

▪️Megadrop Token Rewards: 100M $LISTA (10% of max token supply)

▪️Initial Circulating Supply: 230M $LISTA (23% of max token supply)

▶️ Check More Details Here:

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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