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American broadcaster and Bitcoin advocate Max Keiser predicts that the declining US dollar, coupled with the influence of Tether and El Salvador, will drive Bitcoin's price to $220,000 soon. Keiser asserts that Tether's stablecoin business is bolstering Bitcoin while undermining the USD, compelling the US government to continually increase interest rates. Keiser further explains that countries in the BRICS union, including China and Russia, are abandoning the USD as the world reserve currency due to the US's debt trap, which could lead to hyperinflation. BRICS is also reportedly launching a gold-backed digital currency later this year, further threatening the dollar and NATO. Keiser also highlights Tether's role in the dollar's decline. As crypto users exchange fiat money for Tether, the stablecoin company swaps the fiat for US treasuries, using the interest to buy more Bitcoin. This, coupled with the increasing interest rates in the US, is leading to a rise in Tether's profits and Bitcoin purchases. Keiser concludes that the accelerated Bitcoin purchases from entities like Tether, MicroStrategy, and El Salvador will eventually cause the dollar to implode, pushing Bitcoin's value to $220,000. By the time the US launches their central bank digital currency, Keiser believes it will be too late, as the BRICS currency will be the world reserve currency, Bitcoin will be the world's reserve asset, and Tether will replace the SWIFT network globally.

American broadcaster and Bitcoin advocate Max Keiser predicts that the declining US dollar, coupled with the influence of Tether and El Salvador, will drive Bitcoin's price to $220,000 soon. Keiser asserts that Tether's stablecoin business is bolstering Bitcoin while undermining the USD, compelling the US government to continually increase interest rates.

Keiser further explains that countries in the BRICS union, including China and Russia, are abandoning the USD as the world reserve currency due to the US's debt trap, which could lead to hyperinflation. BRICS is also reportedly launching a gold-backed digital currency later this year, further threatening the dollar and NATO.

Keiser also highlights Tether's role in the dollar's decline. As crypto users exchange fiat money for Tether, the stablecoin company swaps the fiat for US treasuries, using the interest to buy more Bitcoin. This, coupled with the increasing interest rates in the US, is leading to a rise in Tether's profits and Bitcoin purchases.

Keiser concludes that the accelerated Bitcoin purchases from entities like Tether, MicroStrategy, and El Salvador will eventually cause the dollar to implode, pushing Bitcoin's value to $220,000. By the time the US launches their central bank digital currency, Keiser believes it will be too late, as the BRICS currency will be the world reserve currency, Bitcoin will be the world's reserve asset, and Tether will replace the SWIFT network globally.

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