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Hey, folks! Let's chat about those meme-inspired coins that have been making waves lately. 🌊 We're not really riding that meme train ourselves, but hey, no judgment! 😄👍 We gotta hand it to them though, they've been lighting up the search lists like crazy for the past few hours! 🔥 So, if you're into the whole memecoin scene, power to you! 💪 Before we sign off, thought we'd drop some info on how these meme gangs have been doing in terms of price over the last 90 days. Stay informed, friends! Here's the scoop...👇 Top 5 Memecoin Price Moves (Last 90 Days): ◻️ DOGE: Up a jaw-dropping +74.32% lately, but still down 79.78% from its peak. Dogefather's still got some bark! ◻️ SHIBA: Woof! This pup's been on fire, up +139.25% in the past 3 months. Making a comeback, but still chasing its all-time high. ◻️ PEPE: The memecoin king is back! 🤴 PEPE's seen a massive surge of +707.92% over 90 days, inching close to its peak. Insane! ◻️ WIF: This newbie means business! WIF shot up +589.75% in just 3 months, though it's still off its peak by 37.12%. ◻️ FLOKI: Hold on tight! FLOKI's soared a whopping +456.76% in 90 days, but still down 38.77% from its all-time high. Remember, these are wild rides, so invest wisely and always do your own research! #altcoins #memecoins #SOL 🚀

Hey, folks! Let's chat about those meme-inspired coins that have been making waves lately. 🌊 We're not really riding that meme train ourselves, but hey, no judgment! 😄👍 We gotta hand it to them though, they've been lighting up the search lists like crazy for the past few hours! 🔥

So, if you're into the whole memecoin scene, power to you! 💪 Before we sign off, thought we'd drop some info on how these meme gangs have been doing in terms of price over the last 90 days. Stay informed, friends!

Here's the scoop...👇

Top 5 Memecoin Price Moves (Last 90 Days):

◻️ DOGE: Up a jaw-dropping +74.32% lately, but still down 79.78% from its peak. Dogefather's still got some bark!

◻️ SHIBA: Woof! This pup's been on fire, up +139.25% in the past 3 months. Making a comeback, but still chasing its all-time high.

◻️ PEPE: The memecoin king is back! 🤴 PEPE's seen a massive surge of +707.92% over 90 days, inching close to its peak. Insane!

◻️ WIF: This newbie means business! WIF shot up +589.75% in just 3 months, though it's still off its peak by 37.12%.

◻️ FLOKI: Hold on tight! FLOKI's soared a whopping +456.76% in 90 days, but still down 38.77% from its all-time high.

Remember, these are wild rides, so invest wisely and always do your own research!

#altcoins #memecoins #SOL 🚀

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