Binance Square
971,236 مشاهدات
587 منشور
kizoki _Yz
$PEPE قواعد اللعبة التي تمارسها، اختراق الرأس والكتفين يجب أن أشارك هذا لأنه مثال مثالي لنمط الرأس والكتفين العكسي. وبناءً على ذلك فإن أحدث مضخة PEPE كانت منطقية تمامًا. عندما تنظر إلى الرسم البياني للأربع ساعات، فإن #Pepecoin قد بدأ في تشكيل نموذج الرأس والكتفين في نهاية مارس/بداية أبريل. وصلت إلى القاع بحلول منتصف أبريل واستمرت في تشكيل الكتف الأيمن في بداية مايو. وإليكم الجزء الخاص بقواعد اللعبة: بعد أن تم كسر خط العنق في بداية شهر مايو، أعاد اختبار هذا المستوى قبل أن ينطلق أخيرًا. ➡️ إذا استمر بيبي في اتباع قواعد اللعبة، فمن المفترض أن نرى مكاسب تصل إلى 70% تقريبًا (يتم قياسها على أساس خط العنق)، مما يؤدي إلى سعر يقارب 70%. 0.000014. #altcoins
$PEPE قواعد اللعبة التي تمارسها، اختراق الرأس والكتفين
يجب أن أشارك هذا لأنه مثال مثالي لنمط الرأس والكتفين العكسي.
وبناءً على ذلك فإن أحدث مضخة PEPE كانت منطقية تمامًا.
عندما تنظر إلى الرسم البياني للأربع ساعات، فإن #Pepecoin قد بدأ في تشكيل نموذج الرأس والكتفين في نهاية مارس/بداية أبريل.
وصلت إلى القاع بحلول منتصف أبريل واستمرت في تشكيل الكتف الأيمن في بداية مايو.
وإليكم الجزء الخاص بقواعد اللعبة: بعد أن تم كسر خط العنق في بداية شهر مايو، أعاد اختبار هذا المستوى قبل أن ينطلق أخيرًا.
➡️ إذا استمر بيبي في اتباع قواعد اللعبة، فمن المفترض أن نرى مكاسب تصل إلى 70% تقريبًا (يتم قياسها على أساس خط العنق)، مما يؤدي إلى سعر يقارب 70%. 0.000014.
Here are 5 altcoins that are expected to at least double their value during this bull cycle 👇 1: $SOL I expect it to be worth $400 this cycle. 2: $DOT has a great ecosystem and many of the projects built on it are still undervalued. Although progress is slow, achieving double the current value is very possible. 3: $SEI Another great blockchain. Achieving double the current value is very possible. 4: $JUP is the main exchange on Solana + project launching platform. Achieving double the value is certain. 5: $WOO 📈 Your support through likes and shares is essential for spreading awareness and shielding others from potential risks. If you value @DR_TURBO's content, consider showing your support through Binance's tipping feature. 🔇🔇 #Write2Earn #HotTrends #TrendingTopic #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool
Here are 5 altcoins that are expected to at least double their value during this bull cycle 👇
1: $SOL I expect it to be worth $400 this cycle.
2: $DOT has a great ecosystem and many of the projects built on it are still undervalued. Although progress is slow, achieving double the current value is very possible.
3: $SEI Another great blockchain. Achieving double the current value is very possible.
4: $JUP is the main exchange on Solana + project launching platform. Achieving double the value is certain.
5: $WOO 📈
Your support through likes and shares is essential for spreading awareness and shielding others from potential risks. If you value @DR_TURBO's content, consider showing your support through Binance's tipping feature. 🔇🔇

#Write2Earn #HotTrends #TrendingTopic #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool
Binance's latest post highlights speculative predictions for various cryptocurrencies in 2024: - $SHIB could potentially hit $50. - $PEPE is anticipated to reach $39. - $XRP might surge to $2000. - $LUNC is expected to climb to $732. - $DOGE is projected to reach an astonishing $2502. However, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of conducting thorough research and verification before investing, especially for beginners. Cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, so it's wise to prioritize learning and exercise caution. Share your insights and experiences with similar predictions to promote informed decision-making and responsible trading. #BlackRock #altcoins $SOL OL $USDC
Binance's latest post highlights speculative predictions for various cryptocurrencies in 2024:
- $SHIB could potentially hit $50.
- $PEPE is anticipated to reach $39.
- $XRP might surge to $2000.
- $LUNC is expected to climb to $732.
- $DOGE is projected to reach an astonishing $2502.
However, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of conducting thorough research and verification before investing, especially for beginners. Cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, so it's wise to prioritize learning and exercise caution. Share your insights and experiences with similar predictions to promote informed decision-making and responsible trading.
#BlackRock #altcoins
🔥💥يتزايد الطلب على هذه العملات الأربعة البديلة: علامة صعودية! 1- بيبي (#PEPE ) وقد أظهر PEPE، والذي ربما يكون أفضل اسم لعملات الميمي في الأيام الأخيرة، زيادة بنسبة 8 بالمائة في وقت قصير. PEPE، الذي أحدث فرقًا كبيرًا ليس فقط في فئة memecoin ولكن أيضًا في سوق العملات البديلة، جعل مستثمريه يبتسمون. إذا ظهر اتجاه Memecoin في المقدمة، فيمكن ملاحظة زيادات أكبر في PEPE. 2- الثقب الدودي (ث) W، إحدى العملات البديلة الجديدة في نظام Solana البيئي، فاجأت الجميع بإظهار اتجاه التعافي. W، الذي كان يتحرك في اتجاه هبوطي منذ إطلاقه، انتقل إلى المركز الثاني في القائمة، حيث شهد زيادة بنسبة 4 بالمائة خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية. 3- #Floki (فلوكي) وشهد FLOKI، وهو أحد الشخصيات المهمة في عملات الميم كوين مع الكلاب، زيادة بنسبة 2 بالمائة خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية. ومع هذا التطور، أعطت العملة الشهيرة، التي تقع في الصف الرابع من القائمة، إشارة قوية نيابة عن اتجاه عملة الميمكوين. يمكن أن يكون FLOKI عاملاً كبيرًا في شهرة العملات المعدنية، وخاصة عملات الكلاب. 4- انترنت كمبيوتر (#ICP ) تمكنت ICP، وهي إحدى العملات البديلة الأكثر شعبية في عام 2021، من البقاء قوية على الرغم من انخفاض BTC. تم إدراج برنامج المقارنات الدولية، الذي كان أداؤه بنسبة 1.50 بالمائة خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية، في القائمة من المركز الخامس #altcoins #binance
🔥💥يتزايد الطلب على هذه العملات الأربعة البديلة: علامة صعودية!
1- بيبي (#PEPE )
وقد أظهر PEPE، والذي ربما يكون أفضل اسم لعملات الميمي في الأيام الأخيرة، زيادة بنسبة 8 بالمائة في وقت قصير. PEPE، الذي أحدث فرقًا كبيرًا ليس فقط في فئة memecoin ولكن أيضًا في سوق العملات البديلة، جعل مستثمريه يبتسمون. إذا ظهر اتجاه Memecoin في المقدمة، فيمكن ملاحظة زيادات أكبر في PEPE.
2- الثقب الدودي (ث)
W، إحدى العملات البديلة الجديدة في نظام Solana البيئي، فاجأت الجميع بإظهار اتجاه التعافي. W، الذي كان يتحرك في اتجاه هبوطي منذ إطلاقه، انتقل إلى المركز الثاني في القائمة، حيث شهد زيادة بنسبة 4 بالمائة خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية.
3- #Floki (فلوكي)
وشهد FLOKI، وهو أحد الشخصيات المهمة في عملات الميم كوين مع الكلاب، زيادة بنسبة 2 بالمائة خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية. ومع هذا التطور، أعطت العملة الشهيرة، التي تقع في الصف الرابع من القائمة، إشارة قوية نيابة عن اتجاه عملة الميمكوين. يمكن أن يكون FLOKI عاملاً كبيرًا في شهرة العملات المعدنية، وخاصة عملات الكلاب.
4- انترنت كمبيوتر (#ICP )
تمكنت ICP، وهي إحدى العملات البديلة الأكثر شعبية في عام 2021، من البقاء قوية على الرغم من انخفاض BTC. تم إدراج برنامج المقارنات الدولية، الذي كان أداؤه بنسبة 1.50 بالمائة خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية، في القائمة من المركز الخامس
#altcoins #binance
15 دولار هديه المبتدئي$SOL الخطوات : 1- ادخل الى ملفي الشخصي و انسخ الكود المثبت في اول منشور 2- اذهب الى binance Bay 3- اذهب الى الظرف الاحمر ثم اللصق الكود فى الخانة المخصصة و مبروك عليك الهدية Big alert: A Solana trader made $200K with a $1.5K investment in just 5 minutes. I'll share the secret strategy, so follow me on X for premium content. In a milestone for Solana, a trader turned $1.5K into $200K within five minutes. Timing is crucial in crypto, as shown by this recent event shared by Lookonchain, a real-time data and analytics provider. Lookonchain revealed that the trader used 9 Solana tokens worth $1,470 to achieve a 137x profit in 5 minutes. Let's discuss how this was done. ### TOBI Investment Yields $202K for Solana Trader According to Lookonchain, the trader invested 9 SOL into the Moto Dog (TOBI) cryptocurrency, which spiked almost immediately. At the time, 9 SOL was equivalent to 28.58M TOBI, a significant portion of the total supply. Within five minutes, TOBI's value increased 137 times, turning the 9 SOL investment into 1,238 SOL. This surge transformed the $1,470 investment into $202K. Before a liquidity crunch, the trader sold all TOBI within 5 minutes, securing $201K in profits. Moto Dog (TOBI) is a dog-driving-a-bike meme coin with a supply of 999,998,494.57, currently priced at $0.002916 with a market cap of 0.00001811 SOL. Now, the 28.58M TOBI tokens have declined from $200K to $83K. ### Solana Network: A Profit Hub These huge profits are common on the Solana network. In the past, traders have made significant gains with Solana meme coins. Previously, a trader made $3.2M in just 12 minutes by investing in SLERF, another Solana meme coin. #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #notcoin #MemeWatch2024 #ETHETFS #altcoins
15 دولار هديه المبتدئي$SOL
الخطوات :
1- ادخل الى ملفي الشخصي و انسخ الكود المثبت في اول منشور

2- اذهب الى binance Bay

3- اذهب الى الظرف الاحمر ثم اللصق الكود فى الخانة المخصصة و مبروك عليك الهدية

Big alert: A Solana trader made $200K with a $1.5K investment in just 5 minutes. I'll share the secret strategy, so follow me on X for premium content.
In a milestone for Solana, a trader turned $1.5K into $200K within five minutes. Timing is crucial in crypto, as shown by this recent event shared by Lookonchain, a real-time data and analytics provider. Lookonchain revealed that the trader used 9 Solana tokens worth $1,470 to achieve a 137x profit in 5 minutes.
Let's discuss how this was done.
### TOBI Investment Yields $202K for Solana Trader
According to Lookonchain, the trader invested 9 SOL into the Moto Dog (TOBI) cryptocurrency, which spiked almost immediately. At the time, 9 SOL was equivalent to 28.58M TOBI, a significant portion of the total supply. Within five minutes, TOBI's value increased 137 times, turning the 9 SOL investment into 1,238 SOL.
This surge transformed the $1,470 investment into $202K. Before a liquidity crunch, the trader sold all TOBI within 5 minutes, securing $201K in profits.
Moto Dog (TOBI) is a dog-driving-a-bike meme coin with a supply of 999,998,494.57, currently priced at $0.002916 with a market cap of 0.00001811 SOL. Now, the 28.58M TOBI tokens have declined from $200K to $83K.
### Solana Network: A Profit Hub
These huge profits are common on the Solana network. In the past, traders have made significant gains with Solana meme coins. Previously, a trader made $3.2M in just 12 minutes by investing in SLERF, another Solana meme coin.
#CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #notcoin #MemeWatch2024 #ETHETFS #altcoins
$NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT) #altcoins #Notcoinnews upTrend is coming , buy NOT now before too late its not goin down under this level If we pass resistence 0.021$ it's Going up to 2end RESISTENCE 0.023$ and test it
#altcoins #Notcoinnews

upTrend is coming , buy NOT now before too late
its not goin down under this level
If we pass resistence 0.021$ it's Going up to 2end RESISTENCE 0.023$ and test it
Here's a rephrase of the sentence: Note the trending predictions for cryptocurrencies for 2024, including $SHIB, $PEPE, $XRP, $LUNC, and $DOGE: - $SHIB: Likely $0.3. - $PEPE: We aim for $1. - $XRP: Expected to reach $20. - $LUNC: Possible target $7. - $DOGE: Estimated to reach $2. For beginners, it is necessary to conduct thorough research due to the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency markets. Have you experienced similar expectations? Invest wisely and stay informed. Your support through likes and shares is essential for spreading awareness and shielding others from potential risks. If you value @DR_TURBO's content, consider showing your support through Binance's tipping feature. 🔇🔇 #pizzaday #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC #ETHETFS #altcoins
Here's a rephrase of the sentence:

Note the trending predictions for cryptocurrencies for 2024, including $SHIB, $PEPE, $XRP, $LUNC, and $DOGE:
- $SHIB: Likely $0.3.
- $PEPE: We aim for $1.
- $XRP: Expected to reach $20.
- $LUNC: Possible target $7.
- $DOGE: Estimated to reach $2.
For beginners, it is necessary to conduct thorough research due to the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency markets. Have you experienced similar expectations? Invest wisely and stay informed.

Your support through likes and shares is essential for spreading awareness and shielding others from potential risks. If you value @DR_TURBO's content, consider showing your support through Binance's tipping feature. 🔇🔇

#pizzaday #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC #ETHETFS #altcoins
100 دولار لسحب أدخل على حسابي ومبروك ونسخ الكود المثبت وي مبروك عليك دعونا نتحدث عن NOTCOIN في الداخل ستقوم Binance بعد ذلك بإدراج NOT في 2024-05-16 12:00 (UTC) وفتح التداول مع أزواج التداول NOT/BTC وNOT/USDT وNOT/BNB وNOT/FDUSD وNOT/TRY. سيتم تطبيق علامة البذور على NOT. CLICK HERE FOR FREE NOTCOIN Notcoin هو رمز مميز لألعاب Web3 سيتم إدراجه في Binance بعد Notcoin Launchpool. - وقت الإدراج هو الساعة 12:00 بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق في 16 مايو 2024. - تبلغ القيمة السوقية المتوقعة قبل الإدراج حوالي 2 مليار دولار أمريكي، وذلك بناءً على مبيعات ما قبل السوق. - بعد الإدراج، من المتوقع أن تصل القيمة السوقية إلى حوالي 5 مليارات دولار مما يجعل سعر العملة يصل إلى حوالي 0.05 دولار عند الإطلاق. - لدى Notcoin القدرة على الوصول إلى ما لا يقل عن 1 دولار وحتى 5 دولارات في فترة Bullrun #notcoin #GME #Memecoins #ETHETFS #altcoins
100 دولار لسحب أدخل على حسابي ومبروك ونسخ الكود المثبت وي مبروك عليك

دعونا نتحدث عن NOTCOIN في الداخل
ستقوم Binance بعد ذلك بإدراج NOT في 2024-05-16 12:00 (UTC) وفتح التداول مع أزواج التداول NOT/BTC وNOT/USDT وNOT/BNB وNOT/FDUSD وNOT/TRY. سيتم تطبيق علامة البذور على NOT.
Notcoin هو رمز مميز لألعاب Web3 سيتم إدراجه في Binance بعد Notcoin Launchpool.
- وقت الإدراج هو الساعة 12:00 بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق في 16 مايو 2024.
- تبلغ القيمة السوقية المتوقعة قبل الإدراج حوالي 2 مليار دولار أمريكي، وذلك بناءً على مبيعات ما قبل السوق.
- بعد الإدراج، من المتوقع أن تصل القيمة السوقية إلى حوالي 5 مليارات دولار مما يجعل سعر العملة يصل إلى حوالي 0.05 دولار عند الإطلاق.
- لدى Notcoin القدرة على الوصول إلى ما لا يقل عن 1 دولار وحتى 5 دولارات في فترة Bullrun
#notcoin #GME #Memecoins #ETHETFS #altcoins
The heatmap shows significant liquidation of long positions for Ethereum on Bitmex, Bybit, and Binance over 7 days, dated June 7th. The highlighted area indicates a major liquidation event, resulting in a sharp price drop. After this, the path seems clear for Ethereum to rise to $3900-$4000, as the market now faces less selling pressure. $ETH #Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #altcoins #BlackRock
The heatmap shows significant liquidation of long positions for Ethereum on Bitmex, Bybit, and Binance over 7 days, dated June 7th. The highlighted area indicates a major liquidation event, resulting in a sharp price drop. After this, the path seems clear for Ethereum to rise to $3900-$4000, as the market now faces less selling pressure.
$ETH #Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #altcoins #BlackRock
هدية بقيمة 600 دولار للمبتدئين في حسابي أدخل حسابي وانسخ رمز الهدية ❤❤. $PEPE بيبي ‼️‼️ يبلغ سعر PEPE حاليًا حوالي 0.00000940 دولارًا أمريكيًا. في وقت سابق من هذا العام اشتريت بحوالي 0.00000200 دولار، وهو سعر رائع مقارنة باليوم. إلا أن السعر اليوم يبدو مرتفعاً، خاصة مقارنة بما كان عليه قبل أسبوع أو أسبوعين. لقد بعت كل ما عندي من PEPE بسعر 0.00001100 دولار وهو أمر رائع! توقعاتي هي أن PEPE لن يشهد زيادة كبيرة لبعض الوقت وقد ينخفض ​​في الأيام المقبلة. لكن تذكر، هذا مجرد رأيي، لذا قم بالبحث الخاص بك (DYOR)! ‏‪#NOTCOINLAUNCHPOOL ‬‏ ‏‪#altcoins ‬‏ ‏‪#BinanceLaunchpoolView ‬‏ ‏‪#BTC ‬‏
هدية بقيمة 600 دولار للمبتدئين في حسابي أدخل حسابي وانسخ رمز الهدية ❤❤.
بيبي ‼️‼️
يبلغ سعر PEPE حاليًا حوالي 0.00000940 دولارًا أمريكيًا. في وقت سابق من هذا العام اشتريت بحوالي 0.00000200 دولار، وهو سعر رائع مقارنة باليوم. إلا أن السعر اليوم يبدو مرتفعاً، خاصة مقارنة بما كان عليه قبل أسبوع أو أسبوعين. لقد بعت كل ما عندي من PEPE بسعر 0.00001100 دولار وهو أمر رائع! توقعاتي هي أن PEPE لن يشهد زيادة كبيرة لبعض الوقت وقد ينخفض ​​في الأيام المقبلة. لكن تذكر، هذا مجرد رأيي، لذا قم بالبحث الخاص بك (DYOR)!
‏‪#NOTCOINLAUNCHPOOL ‬‏ ‏‪#altcoins ‬‏ ‏‪#BinanceLaunchpoolView ‬‏ ‏‪#BTC ‬‏
2 Crypto To Buy On The Cusp Of Turning $100 Into $10,000 In May Why These Crypto To Buy? Starting a new crypto portfolio, or rebalancing one takes a lot of effort. Some investors hit the bullseye while others completely miss the mark. However, with the right guidance, it is possible to narrow down to the best crypto to buy, thus diversifying a portfolio for minimal risk and maximum gain. 1. Litecoin (LTC) Litecoin hovered at $81, increasing its value by a mere 0.1% in 24 hours, CoinGecko data revealed. A noticeable 6% decline in the trading volume points to the lack of interest among traders. LTC boasts $6.1 billion of market cap, ranking #19 among all cryptos. Meanwhile, sitting above the Bollinger bands middle boundary affirms the sideways trading structure. However, the overall narrowing of this indicator hints at a potential breakout either up or down. Often the tighter the constriction the larger will be the potential breakout. Since the Relative Strength Index (RSI) has moved above the midline following a dip into the oversold region at the beginning of this month, a bullish outcome is highly likely. 2. Toncoin (TON) Toncoin has surged in the cryptocurrency rankings, now boasting a market cap of $20.95 million, placing it ninth globally. Toncoin’s trading volume increased 24% over the last day, reaching $221 million, indicating strong investor interest and belief in its future growth. This impressive performance places it among the market leaders. The trend indicates growing investor confidence and a bullish future for cryptocurrency in the upcoming days. Bottom Line Investing in crypto to buy like LTC and TON has the potential to unlock massive returns in 2024, especially with investors eying the post-Bitcoin halving rally. However, it is paramount to carry out your research and make the final decision on the digital assets to include in the crypto portfolio.💼 🚨🚨🚨For More Follow @Ali_aa 💸💸💸 #Memecoins #BTC #BlackRock #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool
2 Crypto To Buy On The Cusp Of Turning $100 Into $10,000 In May
Why These Crypto To Buy?

Starting a new crypto portfolio, or rebalancing one takes a lot of effort. Some investors hit the bullseye while others completely miss the mark. However, with the right guidance, it is possible to narrow down to the best crypto to buy, thus diversifying a portfolio for minimal risk and maximum gain.

1. Litecoin (LTC)
Litecoin hovered at $81, increasing its value by a mere 0.1% in 24 hours, CoinGecko data revealed. A noticeable 6% decline in the trading volume points to the lack of interest among traders. LTC boasts $6.1 billion of market cap, ranking #19 among all cryptos.

Meanwhile, sitting above the Bollinger bands middle boundary affirms the sideways trading structure. However, the overall narrowing of this indicator hints at a potential breakout either up or down. Often the tighter the constriction the larger will be the potential breakout.

Since the Relative Strength Index (RSI) has moved above the midline following a dip into the oversold region at the beginning of this month, a bullish outcome is highly likely.

2. Toncoin (TON)
Toncoin has surged in the cryptocurrency rankings, now boasting a market cap of $20.95 million, placing it ninth globally. Toncoin’s trading volume increased 24% over the last day, reaching $221 million, indicating strong investor interest and belief in its future growth.
This impressive performance places it among the market leaders.

The trend indicates growing investor confidence and a bullish future for cryptocurrency in the upcoming days.
Bottom Line
Investing in crypto to buy like LTC and TON has the potential to unlock massive returns in 2024, especially with investors eying the post-Bitcoin halving rally.

However, it is paramount to carry out your research and make the final decision on the digital assets to include in the crypto portfolio.💼

🚨🚨🚨For More Follow @ali-213 💸💸💸

#Memecoins #BTC #BlackRock #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool
Here is the Bitcoin (BTC) and Altcoin Portfolio of Celebrities!1.Justin BieberArkham, which first examined Justin Bieber, stated that the famous name has $451 thousand worth of cryptocurrency. Accordingly, while Bieber's biggest investment is Ethereum, he also has altcoins such as APE and DOG in his wallet. 2.Donald TrumpArkham, which examined Donald Trump secondly, said that Trump owns $7 million worth of crypto.While TRUMP is his biggest investment, he also has various meme tokens such as ETH and PEPE in his wallet. 3.Neymar JRArkham looked third at Neymar JR, who has 63.4 million followers. Accordingly, while the biggest investment of the famous name, who has 55.7 thousand dollars worth of crypto money, is ETH, he also has various altcoins such as APE, POODLE and ENG in his wallet. 4. Jimmy FallonExamining Jimmy Fallon, who has 49.8 million followers, Arkham said that the famous name has 112.8 thousand dollars worth of crypto.While his biggest investment is ETH, his wallet also includes various altcoins such as APE, LCX, JUSTICE. 5.Kevin HartArkham, which last examined Kevin Hart, who has 36.7 million followers, said that the famous name has crypto worth 39.8 thousand dollars. While Hart's biggest investment is ETH, he also has altcoins such as POODLE and JUSTICE in his wallet. At this point, the cryptocurrency analysis company Arkham, which previously detected the wallets of the giant companies Tesla and Spacex owned by Elon Musk and important names such as US Presidential candidate Donald Trump, shared the current Bitcoin and altcoin portfolios of famous names.While Arkham stated that the wallets of many famous names have already been detected, it announced their current portfolios in its latest post. Stating in his post that he identified the addresses of more than 100 celebrities with more than 1 million followers, Arkham announced the cryptocurrency portfolios of the top five famous names according to the number of followers.*This is not investment advice. For 💰💰More Follow @Ali_aa 💰💰 #Memecoins #BTC #MicroStrategy #altcoins #ETHETFS

Here is the Bitcoin (BTC) and Altcoin Portfolio of Celebrities!

1.Justin BieberArkham, which first examined Justin Bieber, stated that the famous name has $451 thousand worth of cryptocurrency. Accordingly, while Bieber's biggest investment is Ethereum, he also has altcoins such as APE and DOG in his wallet.

2.Donald TrumpArkham, which examined Donald Trump secondly, said that Trump owns $7 million worth of crypto.While TRUMP is his biggest investment, he also has various meme tokens such as ETH and PEPE in his wallet.

3.Neymar JRArkham looked third at Neymar JR, who has 63.4 million followers. Accordingly, while the biggest investment of the famous name, who has 55.7 thousand dollars worth of crypto money, is ETH, he also has various altcoins such as APE, POODLE and ENG in his wallet.

4. Jimmy FallonExamining Jimmy Fallon, who has 49.8 million followers, Arkham said that the famous name has 112.8 thousand dollars worth of crypto.While his biggest investment is ETH, his wallet also includes various altcoins such as APE, LCX, JUSTICE.

5.Kevin HartArkham, which last examined Kevin Hart, who has 36.7 million followers,
said that the famous name has crypto worth 39.8 thousand dollars. While Hart's biggest investment is ETH, he also has altcoins such as POODLE and JUSTICE in his wallet.

At this point, the cryptocurrency analysis company Arkham, which previously detected the wallets of the giant companies Tesla and Spacex owned by Elon Musk and important names such as US Presidential candidate Donald Trump,

shared the current Bitcoin and altcoin portfolios of famous names.While Arkham stated that the wallets of many famous names have already been detected,

it announced their current portfolios in its latest post.

Stating in his post that he identified the addresses of more than 100 celebrities with more than 1 million followers,

Arkham announced the cryptocurrency portfolios of the top five famous names according to the number of followers.*This is not investment advice.

For 💰💰More Follow @ali-213 💰💰

#Memecoins #BTC #MicroStrategy #altcoins #ETHETFS
600 دولار هديه للمبتدئين على حسابي ادخل حسابي انسخ كىود الهديه ومبروك عليك ❤❤ $PEPE لا تبيع بيبي لا تكن مستعجلا حسناً. الحيتان المشفرة تستعد للاستثمار الكبير التالي... إذا قمت ببيع PEPE فلن تصبح مليارديرًا أبدًا. قلت امسك PEPE ولا تبيع أي عملة معدنية هذه المرة. والانتباه $SHIB $BONK أن العملة الإلزامية 0.01 دولار، لذا اشترِ واحتفظ بها جيدًا. #altcoins #memecoin 🚀🚀🚀 #buythedip #BTC #CryptoNews🚀🔥
600 دولار هديه للمبتدئين على حسابي ادخل حسابي انسخ كىود الهديه ومبروك عليك ❤❤
لا تبيع بيبي لا تكن مستعجلا حسناً. الحيتان المشفرة تستعد للاستثمار الكبير التالي... إذا قمت ببيع PEPE فلن تصبح مليارديرًا أبدًا. قلت امسك PEPE ولا تبيع أي عملة معدنية هذه المرة. والانتباه $SHIB $BONK أن العملة الإلزامية 0.01 دولار، لذا اشترِ واحتفظ بها جيدًا.
#altcoins #memecoin 🚀🚀🚀 #buythedip #BTC #CryptoNews🚀🔥
600 دولار على حسابي ادخل حسابي انسخ كىود الهديه ومبروك عليك ❤❤ تنبؤ ناجح آخر 🌟️‏‪#PEPE ‬‏ لقد توقعت منذ 4 ساعات أن PEPE سيكون لديه لحظة هبوطية تتحرك للأسفل من 0.00001002 إلى 0.00000970 وكان توقعي صحيحًا حيث وصل PEPE إلى 0.00000968 هذه هي فائدة الحصول على 🌟تأمين نفسك من الخسارة وتحقيق المزيد من الأرباح باستخدام إشارات الربح الدقيقة لقد قدمت أكثر من 15 إشارة مربحة مجانية على Square ولكني الآن أقدم 🌟 إشارات فقط. يمكنك زيارة Square Bio للحصول على 🌟 الإشارات والتنبؤات والمزيد. نصائح للحصول على النجاح: 1. تحليل بيانات 24 ساعة 2. لا تستثمر في عملات متعددة في وقت واحد 3. لا تطمع في المزيد من الربح 4. تذكر أن الربح الصغير أفضل من الخسارة ‏‪#altcoins ‬… $PEPE
600 دولار على حسابي ادخل حسابي انسخ كىود الهديه ومبروك عليك ❤❤
تنبؤ ناجح آخر 🌟️‏‪#PEPE ‬‏

لقد توقعت منذ 4 ساعات أن PEPE سيكون لديه لحظة هبوطية تتحرك للأسفل من 0.00001002 إلى 0.00000970 وكان توقعي صحيحًا حيث وصل PEPE إلى 0.00000968

هذه هي فائدة الحصول على 🌟تأمين نفسك من الخسارة وتحقيق المزيد من الأرباح باستخدام إشارات الربح الدقيقة

لقد قدمت أكثر من 15 إشارة مربحة مجانية على Square ولكني الآن أقدم 🌟 إشارات فقط. يمكنك زيارة Square Bio للحصول على 🌟 الإشارات والتنبؤات والمزيد.

نصائح للحصول على النجاح:
1. تحليل بيانات 24 ساعة
2. لا تستثمر في عملات متعددة في وقت واحد
3. لا تطمع في المزيد من الربح
4. تذكر أن الربح الصغير أفضل من الخسارة

‏‪#altcoins ‬… $PEPE
⚠️ Terra Luna Classic (LUNC), USTC Removed From Luna Foundation Guard Terra Luna Classic ecosystem tokens recorded a massive surge in prices on Saturday as 1.85 billion USTC and 222 million LUNC tokens in the Luna Foundation Guard were removed from the circulating supply. LUNC price skyrocketed over 10% and USTC price rose 18% within a few hours, but pared earlier gains soon. 🔸 Luna Foundation Guard’s LUNC and USTC Circulating Supply 1.85 billion USTC and 222 million LUNC tokens were taken out of Luna Foundation Guard’s wallet address ********szx3nw. The move comes as the account has been dormant for almost 2 years. As a result, USTC circulating supply is now down to 7.1 billion. Crypto assets held by team, foundation, treasury, escrow funds are not counted in circulating supply. “Assets that are locked (via smart contracts or legal contracts), allocated to insiders (e.g. teams or private investors), or not sellable on the public market are generally not regarded as circulating, regardless of whether they are unlocked,” as per CoinMarketCap. These numbers reflect adjustments and not actual removals from circulation. Some LFG funds were miscounted as belonging to circulating supply. 🔸 LUNC and USTC Prices Skyrocket LUNC and USTC prices skyrocketed as the news sparked buying in the community due to a decrease in supply. But as the developments became clear to the community the prices started to pullback. The Terra Luna Classic community seeks to burn USTC and LUNC in the LFG wallet to reflect in total supply, but it was just adjustments and not actual removals from circulating supply. LUNC price is currently up 4%% over the last 24 hours, with the price currently trading at $0.0001062. The 24-hour high and low are $0.0001020 and $0.0001129, respectively. Meanwhile, USTC price also jumped 7% in the last 24 hours, with the price currently trading at $0.0235. The 24-hour low and high are $0.0215 and $0.0251, respectively. Moreover, the trading volume has increased by 118% in the past 24 hours. #altcoins #BTC #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
⚠️ Terra Luna Classic (LUNC), USTC Removed From Luna Foundation Guard
Terra Luna Classic ecosystem tokens recorded a massive surge in prices on Saturday as 1.85 billion USTC and 222 million LUNC tokens in the Luna Foundation Guard were removed from the circulating supply. LUNC price skyrocketed over 10% and USTC price rose 18% within a few hours, but pared earlier gains soon.
🔸 Luna Foundation Guard’s LUNC and USTC Circulating Supply
1.85 billion USTC and 222 million LUNC tokens were taken out of Luna Foundation Guard’s wallet address ********szx3nw. The move comes as the account has been dormant for almost 2 years.
As a result, USTC circulating supply is now down to 7.1 billion. Crypto assets held by team, foundation, treasury, escrow funds are not counted in circulating supply. “Assets that are locked (via smart contracts or legal contracts), allocated to insiders (e.g. teams or private investors), or not sellable on the public market are generally not regarded as circulating, regardless of whether they are unlocked,” as per CoinMarketCap.
These numbers reflect adjustments and not actual removals from circulation. Some LFG funds were miscounted as belonging to circulating supply.
🔸 LUNC and USTC Prices Skyrocket
LUNC and USTC prices skyrocketed as the news sparked buying in the community due to a decrease in supply. But as the developments became clear to the community the prices started to pullback.
The Terra Luna Classic community seeks to burn USTC and LUNC in the LFG wallet to reflect in total supply, but it was just adjustments and not actual removals from circulating supply.
LUNC price is currently up 4%% over the last 24 hours, with the price currently trading at $0.0001062. The 24-hour high and low are $0.0001020 and $0.0001129, respectively.
Meanwhile, USTC price also jumped 7% in the last 24 hours, with the price currently trading at $0.0235. The 24-hour low and high are $0.0215 and $0.0251, respectively. Moreover, the trading volume has increased by 118% in the past 24 hours.

#altcoins #BTC #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
600 دولار على حسابي ادخل حسابي انسخ كىود الهديه ومبروك عليك ❤❤ ‏‪$POLYX ‬‏ يحظى بالاهتمام اليوم بعد تأكيد الدعم عند 0.35 دولار. إنه يستعد لحركة صعودية مثيرة للإعجاب، حيث سيكون هدفه التالي هو 0.65 دولار. إذا ضعف الزخم، فهناك دعم قوي عند 0.32 دولار. في السابق، شهدنا أرباحًا تصل إلى 340٪. ‏‪#altcoins ‬‏
600 دولار على حسابي ادخل حسابي انسخ كىود الهديه ومبروك عليك ❤❤
‏‪$POLYX ‬‏ يحظى بالاهتمام اليوم بعد تأكيد الدعم عند 0.35 دولار. إنه يستعد لحركة صعودية مثيرة للإعجاب، حيث سيكون هدفه التالي هو 0.65 دولار. إذا ضعف الزخم، فهناك دعم قوي عند 0.32 دولار.
في السابق، شهدنا أرباحًا تصل إلى 340٪.
‏‪#altcoins ‬‏
There is a probability that #Bitcoin may drop below $70,000 on June 7th, with over $2.2 billion in options set to expire. Out of the total $2.2 billion, $1.22 billion worth of Bitcoin futures options are scheduled to expire on Friday. The max pain point is $69,500 . $BTC $BNB #bitcoin #Metaverse #BlackRock #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved
There is a probability that #Bitcoin may drop below $70,000 on June 7th, with over $2.2 billion in options set to expire. Out of the total $2.2 billion, $1.22 billion worth of Bitcoin futures options are scheduled to expire on Friday.

The max pain point is $69,500
$BTC $BNB #bitcoin #Metaverse #BlackRock #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved
$BTC $ETH $BNB 🛑🛑🛑BTC Urgent urgent update very urgent🛑🛑🛑 1️⃣ As I said several hours ago, the 63600 area must be breached, but it did not happen, and that did not happen. Also, a breach from these areas was illogical, so the decline began gradually, and it is not as if anything happened last night. Now I understand that the previous week was hinting at a decline due to market liquidity that began to decline. To 2.041, then it rose before the weekly close to the 2.298 1W weekly closing area. This thing was good, but it was negative because it did not penetrate the 2.353 area, from which the penetration basically failed, so it began to fall sideways. 2️⃣ Also, I will not forget that I talked about the dollar domain, which I expected that the domain ratio would be between 5.12 and 4.94, and this is exactly what happened now. The domain ratio is 5.07, and this thing is negative, and there is a break in some BTC areas. 3️⃣ With the flows coming out of ETFS funds, it causes BTC to fall because you will not know when it will fall or rise when this ETFS BTC will rise. 4️⃣ I will start by mentioning liquidity, then BTC. First, we have areas to retest the market rise again, which starts at 2.197, followed by 2.176, then 2.165, and also the other 2.155. Any break now from these areas, specifically the 2.155 area, will go sideways to 2.100 or even to 2.000. What? Regarding BTC, we have the 60100 area and the 60800 area. These are areas to retest the rise, but any break of this area downward leads to the 59100 area. This means we are expected to see high volatility between the 60300 area and the 59100 area. Any other break from the 59100 area leads to 56000 and below that in the event of failure. Climb again 5️⃣ Soon I will publish an analysis of ETH, SOL, and some currencies in case there is any positivity or rebound areas, but for now I cannot guess anything about them except about BTC. ♥️ Thank you for Watching my Post ♥️You can support me with tips to provide better content #BTC #Memecoins #altcoins

🛑🛑🛑BTC Urgent urgent update very urgent🛑🛑🛑

1️⃣ As I said several hours ago, the 63600 area must be breached, but it did not happen, and that did not happen. Also,

a breach from these areas was illogical, so the decline began gradually, and it is not as if anything happened last night. Now I understand that the previous week was hinting at a decline due to market liquidity that began to decline. To 2.041, then it rose before the weekly close to the 2.298 1W weekly closing area. This thing was good, but it was negative because it did not penetrate the 2.353 area, from which the penetration basically failed, so it began to fall sideways.

2️⃣ Also, I will not forget that I talked about the dollar domain, which I expected that the domain ratio would be between 5.12 and 4.94, and this is exactly what happened now. The domain ratio is 5.07, and this thing is negative, and there is a break in some BTC areas.

3️⃣ With the flows coming out of ETFS funds, it causes BTC to fall because you will not know when it will fall or rise when this ETFS BTC will rise.

4️⃣ I will start by mentioning liquidity, then BTC. First, we have areas to retest the market rise again, which starts at 2.197, followed by 2.176, then 2.165, and also the other 2.155. Any break now from these areas, specifically the 2.155 area, will go sideways to 2.100 or even to 2.000. What? Regarding BTC, we have the 60100 area and the 60800 area. These are areas to retest the rise, but any break of this area downward leads to the 59100 area. This means we are expected to see high volatility between the 60300 area and the 59100 area. Any other break from the 59100 area leads to 56000 and below that in the event of failure. Climb again

5️⃣ Soon I will publish an analysis of ETH, SOL, and some currencies in case there is any positivity or rebound areas, but for now I cannot guess anything about them except about BTC.
♥️ Thank you for Watching my Post
♥️You can support me with tips to provide better content

#BTC #Memecoins #altcoins
Here is how an investment of $5000 turned into $4.20 Tap to Read more A lot of crypto traders and investors don’t like hearing about the risks involved in cryptocurrency and a lot of crypto investors don’t like hearing or talking about the dangers of investing in cryptocurrencies Well, we are here to talk and discuss about it Do you know, about 2 years ago $LUNC was trading at $119, as of that time a lot of people reading this knew nothing about cryptocurrency In 2022, a member of our community bought some bags of $LUNC during it’s all time high, this bullish investor after making research saw and discovered the potential of LUNC, so he bought some with $5000 With the $5000 he was able to get over 41 LUNC, it was a great and strategic investment 🔥 He bought $5000 worth of LUNC in the month of April 2022 and by May-13-2022 his $5000 was equivalent to less than $4 LUNC had crashed from $119 to $0.00000189 within a month Some traders on X shared screenshots of them losing $50,000 from the crash, some lost $100,000 and some lost way above $100,000 Any cryptocurrency apart from bitcoin can experience this same crash $SOL can crash if the team and developers are not careful, cautious and consistently working up to date $ETH can crash anytime if the team and developers are not careful,cautious and working up to date Any of these projects can suffer security breach if they are not careful and properly secured and if they suffer one,they would be massive sell offs Crypto is full of risks, not everyone would Make profit, not everyone would be able to endure the dumps and losses In all you do, just make sure you are on the winning side, make sure you are on the green side We are no trying to create FUD, we are just reminding everyone about the risks involved in trading and investing into cryptocurrencies Share this post with a crypto trader and after that, do well to Follow us to get notified when we drop our contents You can Support the creator of this post with Tips For More Follow @Ali_aa #Memecoins #BTC #altcoins #eth
Here is how an investment of $5000 turned into $4.20
Tap to Read more

A lot of crypto traders and investors don’t like hearing about the risks involved in cryptocurrency and a lot of crypto investors don’t like hearing or talking about the dangers of investing in cryptocurrencies

Well, we are here to talk and discuss about it
Do you know, about 2 years ago $LUNC was trading at $119, as of that time a lot of people reading this knew nothing about cryptocurrency
In 2022, a member of our community bought some bags of $LUNC during it’s all time high, this bullish investor after making research saw and discovered the potential of LUNC, so he bought some with $5000

With the $5000 he was able to get over 41 LUNC, it was a great and strategic investment 🔥
He bought $5000 worth of LUNC in the month of April 2022 and by May-13-2022 his $5000 was equivalent to less than $4
LUNC had crashed from $119 to $0.00000189 within a month

Some traders on X shared screenshots of them losing $50,000 from the crash, some lost $100,000 and some lost way above $100,000
Any cryptocurrency apart from bitcoin can experience this same crash

$SOL can crash if the team and developers are not careful, cautious and consistently working up to date

$ETH can crash anytime if the team and developers are not careful,cautious and working up to date

Any of these projects can suffer security breach if they are not careful and properly secured and if they suffer one,they would be massive sell offs
Crypto is full of risks, not everyone would
Make profit, not everyone would be able to endure the dumps and losses
In all you do, just make sure you are on the winning side, make sure you are on the green side

We are no trying to create FUD, we are just reminding everyone about the risks involved in trading and investing into cryptocurrencies
Share this post with a crypto trader and after that, do well to Follow us to get notified when we drop our contents

You can Support the creator of this post with Tips

For More Follow @ali-213

#Memecoins #BTC #altcoins #eth
استكشف أحدث أخبار العملات الرقمية
⚡️ كُن جزءًا من أحدث النقاشات في مجال العملات الرقمية
💬 تفاعل مع مُنشِئي المُحتوى المُفضّلين لديك
👍 استمتع بالمحتوى الذي يثير اهتمامك
البريد الإلكتروني / رقم الهاتف