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Bitcoin ETFs Might Put Significant Pressure on BTC Price, Peter Schiff Says. Aggregated Bitcoin ETF flows have been negative in the last few days. Adamant anti-Bitcoiner Peter Schiff predicts that this might be particularly bearish for the BTC price. Dr. Doom Peter Schiff expects BTC ETF outflows to put pressure on price. In May 2024, the market for Bitcoin ETFs is imbalanced, with too many investors and almost no buyers. Meanwhile the supply of potential sellers is large, which is very dangerous for Bitcoin's (BTC) price performance, "Gold Bug" Peter Schiff says. The launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. in January was accompanied by the opposite situation: "there were no sellers, only buyers," Mr. Schiff admits. While the interest in buying spot Bitcoin ETFs is stagnating, this imbalance might result in significant pressure on the Bitcoin (BTC) price in the short term. In the last 10 days, Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. logged a $230 million outflow. As covered by U.Today previously, May 1 was the "worst day" for the space, with $563.7 mln erased in 24 hours. This outflow coincided with a 5% drop of the Bitcoin (BTC) price that plunged from $63,000 to below $60,000. Bitcoin ETFs controlled by paper hands? The discussion about the nature of the firs generations of Bitcoin (BTC) ETFs holders is ongoing. As U.Today reported earlier, some analysts are sure that only "paper hands" entered the segment, while confident holders are yet to come. Yesterday, spot Bitcoin ETFs registered a tiny $11.3 mln outflow, CoinGlass data says. While the majority of funds demonstrated positive dynamics, GBTC lost $43.4 million. Bitcoin (BTC) is changing hands at $60,900, down almost 1% in the last 24 hours.

Bitcoin ETFs Might Put Significant Pressure on BTC Price, Peter Schiff Says.

Aggregated Bitcoin ETF flows have been negative in the last few days. Adamant anti-Bitcoiner Peter Schiff predicts that this might be particularly bearish for the BTC price.

Dr. Doom Peter Schiff expects BTC ETF outflows to put pressure on price.

In May 2024, the market for Bitcoin ETFs is imbalanced, with too many investors and almost no buyers. Meanwhile the supply of potential sellers is large, which is very dangerous for Bitcoin's (BTC) price performance, "Gold Bug" Peter Schiff says.

The launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. in January was accompanied by the opposite situation: "there were no sellers, only buyers," Mr. Schiff admits.

While the interest in buying spot Bitcoin ETFs is stagnating, this imbalance might result in significant pressure on the Bitcoin (BTC) price in the short term.

In the last 10 days, Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. logged a $230 million outflow. As covered by U.Today previously, May 1 was the "worst day" for the space, with $563.7 mln erased in 24 hours.

This outflow coincided with a 5% drop of the Bitcoin (BTC) price that plunged from $63,000 to below $60,000.

Bitcoin ETFs controlled by paper hands?

The discussion about the nature of the firs generations of Bitcoin (BTC) ETFs holders is ongoing. As U.Today reported earlier, some analysts are sure that only "paper hands" entered the segment, while confident holders are yet to come.

Yesterday, spot Bitcoin ETFs registered a tiny $11.3 mln outflow, CoinGlass data says. While the majority of funds demonstrated positive dynamics, GBTC lost $43.4 million.

Bitcoin (BTC) is changing hands at $60,900, down almost 1% in the last 24 hours.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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Bitcoin Surpasses $70,000 as SHIB Price Rises. Bitcoin price surpasses $70,000, boosting SHIB price. Altcoins are generally on the rise. However, significant details allow Shiba Coin to positively differentiate in this process. Indeed, its price has risen above average. Shiba and Shibarium. The ambitious Shibarium, launched last year with ideals and goals, did not reach the levels seen during its testnet period. However, there are intermittent increases in network activity, triggering short-term price movements. According to data from Shibariumscan, new transactions on Shibarium increased by 50%, reaching 7,691. On Friday, this was 5,150. Additionally, the number of Shibarium users has accelerated. Starting from 105,367 on May 1, it reached 113,732 by May 27, indicating a faster recovery in network interest. The integration of ShibaSwap into Shibarium was one of the most significant developments in May, and Shiba Inu developer Kaal Dhairya said; "This release focuses on exploration, so let all creative geniuses make memes! Moving forward, we will continue to make regular updates and upgrades, and everyone should remember that this is not a race, but a marathon." Shiba Coin Price Prediction. The second-largest meme coin, continuing with a 6% increase, may target higher levels in the coming hours. The current volatility contraction pattern (VCP) indicates a breakout. The technical formation caused by increasingly narrowing price fluctuations is considered a strong signal of potential price breakouts. There is a neckline that needs to be surpassed, and the SHIB price is lingering at this $0.00002631 neckline region. If the expected breakout occurs, we could see the Shiba Coin price increase by 32%, moving towards the resistance area at $0.00003282. However, if the breakout is unsuccessful, the price may retreat to the support at $0.0000234. If this level is also lost, $0.00002052 will be a risky target. The total volume of cryptocurrencies climbed to $77 billion, increasing by 41%.
Two Major Ethereum (ETH) Price Targets Revealed. Ethereum is finally showing what it is capable of after rumors of the preapproval of the Ethereum ETF have spread around the crypto circle. For now, the price is getting ready for a swing toward or above $4,000, but its true strength is yet to be shown. Ethereum has been seen in an uptrend that recently broke through $3,900. Currently, ETH is trading around $3,898, showing a gain of 1.92%, and the upsurge is supported well by swift trading volumes. The technical indicators are aligning to suggest further upward movement. The 50-day EMA stands near $3,225, while the 100-day EMA lies close to $3,175. Both moving averages have provided strong support and confirmed the current trend. In addition, the RSI is at 72, which means that, at the moment, ETH is slightly overbought. Yet, this is not critical and, therefore, in case of a minor overheating, the asset can continue to grow a bit higher. Two major price targets have emerged for Ethereum: the immediate level now seems to be that psychological $4,000. Anything lower would imply the prevalent bearish sentiment confirmed at the moment. This will most probably see buyers join in and push the price even higher or, in other words, liquidate some substantial amount of short orders. As for the liquidation heatmap: at the time, there was a huge cumulative long liquidation leverage all the way down to $3,200, meaning there were $3 billion worth of longs open theoretically meaning there might be a massive sell-off in the case of liquidation. More than $1 billion in short orders get closed if the price of the second-biggest cryptocurrency on the market surges, causing a squeeze and sending bears away.

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