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[First👉 Claim Crypto Box]( MicroStrategy to launch ID solution 📢 Top Bitcoin holder MicroStrategy plans to launch a decentralized identity solution on the Bitcoin network, MicroStrategy Orange. Per Michael Saylor, this uses Ordinal-based inscriptions to store and retrieve information. The aim is to provide trustless, tamper-proof, and long-lasting decentralized identities using only the public Bitcoin blockchain. #MicroStrategyOrange #BTC

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MicroStrategy to launch ID solution 📢

Top Bitcoin holder MicroStrategy plans to launch a decentralized identity solution on the Bitcoin network, MicroStrategy Orange. Per Michael Saylor, this uses Ordinal-based inscriptions to store and retrieve information. The aim is to provide trustless, tamper-proof, and long-lasting decentralized identities using only the public Bitcoin blockchain.

#MicroStrategyOrange #BTC

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