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MVRV Z-Score Mid-Cycle Correction Chart Insight: When I shared my previous analysis at the local high, there were doubters saying "this time is different." Yet again, the MVRV Z-Score has found mid-cycle resistance in the 2-3 zone and has corrected, following the pattern seen in previous cycles. 🤔 Why does this matter? The MVRV Z-Score is a powerful metric that has historically signaled resistance levels and corrections in crypto cycles. This mid-cycle correction is consistent with what we've seen before, emphasizing the significance of understanding market patterns. Takeaway: Patterns often repeat in financial markets, and the MVRV Z-Score remains a valuable indicator to watch. #buythedip #BTC #fomc #BinanceLaunchpool #MVRV $BTC $ETH $SOL

MVRV Z-Score Mid-Cycle Correction

Chart Insight:

When I shared my previous analysis at the local high, there were doubters saying "this time is different." Yet again, the MVRV Z-Score has found mid-cycle resistance in the 2-3 zone and has corrected, following the pattern seen in previous cycles. 🤔

Why does this matter?

The MVRV Z-Score is a powerful metric that has historically signaled resistance levels and corrections in crypto cycles. This mid-cycle correction is consistent with what we've seen before, emphasizing the significance of understanding market patterns.


Patterns often repeat in financial markets, and the MVRV Z-Score remains a valuable indicator to watch.

#buythedip #BTC #fomc #BinanceLaunchpool #MVRV $BTC $ETH $SOL

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