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3 trades that i would entry NOW ! This strategy i am doing right now NFA Here are the trades i will take. 👇 $ONG - Ontology’s $10 Million Boost for Decentralized Identity Innovation. $ONT - Ontology’s $10 Million Boost for Decentralized Identity Innovation. $SEI - Sei Foundation partners with Gitcoin to announce $10M Creator Fund. -I would add 15% Right now and if btc goes to uptrend i start adding the rest 85% And will sell when gets profit 😉 But if btc goes down from here i will sell at loss or even bounce but not a confirmation. What your strategy let me knw in the comments below. 👇 #BullorBear #BTC #bitcoin

3 trades that i would entry NOW !

This strategy i am doing right now NFA

Here are the trades i will take. 👇

$ONG - Ontology’s $10 Million Boost for Decentralized Identity Innovation.

$ONT - Ontology’s $10 Million Boost for Decentralized Identity Innovation.

$SEI - Sei Foundation partners with Gitcoin to announce $10M Creator Fund.

-I would add 15% Right now and if btc goes to uptrend i start adding the rest 85%

And will sell when gets profit 😉

But if btc goes down from here i will sell at loss or even bounce but not a confirmation.

What your strategy let me knw in the comments below. 👇

#BullorBear #BTC #bitcoin

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