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#SatoshiNakamoto 👤 📅 Now 13 years since disappearance... 🙄 In his final email on April 23, 2011, at 1:43 PM, Satoshi Nakamoto declared he had "moved on to other things" and expressed faith in the community, singling out Gavin, to carry on Bitcoin's evolution. This farewell marked a crucial juncture for $BTC, passing its reins to the developer community. Nakamoto's exit remains veiled in mystery, adding to his enigmatic legacy in the tech sphere. His identity & whereabouts continue to fuel speculation and fascination. Always Trust in #Bitcoin 💯✔️🙏 #Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving

#SatoshiNakamoto 👤

📅 Now 13 years since disappearance... 🙄

In his final email on April 23, 2011, at 1:43 PM, Satoshi Nakamoto declared he had "moved on to other things" and expressed faith in the community, singling out Gavin, to carry on Bitcoin's evolution.

This farewell marked a crucial juncture for $BTC, passing its reins to the developer community.

Nakamoto's exit remains veiled in mystery, adding to his enigmatic legacy in the tech sphere. His identity & whereabouts continue to fuel speculation and fascination.

Always Trust in #Bitcoin 💯✔️🙏

#Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving

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