Binance Square
Crypto Insights
📢 Nakamoto Games expands to Turkey: A New Chapter Begins! NakamotoGames, headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, boasts a team of over 150 passionate individuals.They just reveals the upcoming launch of a brand-new gaming space and development studio in Turkey. This move marks a significant milestone, promising to extend #NAKA footprint and bring our cutting-edge #GameFi projects closer to gamers around the globe. 🎉 Countdown Commences: Opening in 30 Days! $NAKA #Web3 #BullorBear #P2E #sponsored

📢 Nakamoto Games expands to Turkey: A New Chapter Begins!

NakamotoGames, headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, boasts a team of over 150 passionate individuals.They just reveals the upcoming launch of a brand-new gaming space and development studio in Turkey. This move marks a significant milestone, promising to extend #NAKA footprint and bring our cutting-edge #GameFi projects closer to gamers around the globe.

🎉 Countdown Commences: Opening in 30 Days!

$NAKA #Web3 #BullorBear #P2E #sponsored

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