Binance Square
📈 Analysis and Prediction (ADA and TWT): 🚀 ADA/USDT - On October 2nd, #cardano reached a 30-day high of $0.28. From September 27th to October 5th, the indicator increased from 62.74% to 63.5%. Perhaps the ecosystem participants have responded positively to the recent development activity of the Cardano team. 63.5% represents the highest level of ADA staker activity since June 22, 2023. Considering that more coins are being taken out of circulation by holders, the asset's price may gradually rise above the $0.30 mark. Another confirmation of the bullish forecast is the noticeable increase in demand for Cardano. On October 2nd, 3860 new addresses were registered on the network. In the first week of October, a total of 11,383 wallets joined the ecosystem. If market participants remain active, the next wave of demand could push ADA towards the $0.30 level. Cardano could potentially reach $0.35 if the bulls manage to overcome resistance from 509,000 addresses that bought 5.7 billion tokens at the minimum price of $0.29. 📈 What do you think about these price movements? 🤔💭 📈 TWT/USDT - #twt is currently below a descending trendline of resistance since May 28th. The asset has made multiple attempts to break above it, but has failed each time. The latest attempt led to Trust Wallet Token's price dropping to a local low of $0.71 on September 11th. The subsequent bounce formed a long lower wick and a bullish candle that engulfed the entire drop. A few days later, TWT accelerated its growth, reaching a high of $0.97 and breaking the descending resistance. In the coming days, the price of Trust Wallet Token may experience a slight pullback to confirm the long-term resistance line as support. However, continuation of the upward movement without a pullback is also quite common. 🚀📉

📈 Analysis and Prediction (ADA and TWT):

🚀 ADA/USDT - On October 2nd, #cardano reached a 30-day high of $0.28. From September 27th to October 5th, the indicator increased from 62.74% to 63.5%. Perhaps the ecosystem participants have responded positively to the recent development activity of the Cardano team. 63.5% represents the highest level of ADA staker activity since June 22, 2023. Considering that more coins are being taken out of circulation by holders, the asset's price may gradually rise above the $0.30 mark. Another confirmation of the bullish forecast is the noticeable increase in demand for Cardano. On October 2nd, 3860 new addresses were registered on the network. In the first week of October, a total of 11,383 wallets joined the ecosystem. If market participants remain active, the next wave of demand could push ADA towards the $0.30 level. Cardano could potentially reach $0.35 if the bulls manage to overcome resistance from 509,000 addresses that bought 5.7 billion tokens at the minimum price of $0.29. 📈

What do you think about these price movements? 🤔💭

📈 TWT/USDT - #twt is currently below a descending trendline of resistance since May 28th. The asset has made multiple attempts to break above it, but has failed each time. The latest attempt led to Trust Wallet Token's price dropping to a local low of $0.71 on September 11th. The subsequent bounce formed a long lower wick and a bullish candle that engulfed the entire drop. A few days later, TWT accelerated its growth, reaching a high of $0.97 and breaking the descending resistance. In the coming days, the price of Trust Wallet Token may experience a slight pullback to confirm the long-term resistance line as support. However, continuation of the upward movement without a pullback is also quite common. 🚀📉

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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أنشِئ حسابًا الآن للتمتّع بفرصةٍ لكسب 100 USDT من المُكافآت!
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🪙 Crypto News (May 1, 2024): 1️⃣ Eigen Foundation: The #EigenLayer restaking protocol is set to unveil the native coin #EIGEN in May. 15% of the total supply will be allocated to those who have staked assets on the platform. As per the announcement, the token will be issued by the independent nonprofit organization Eigen Foundation. Investors in the project will be granted 29.5% of EIGEN, while early participants will receive 25.5%. Asset holders will undergo a three-year vesting period, with a monthly release of 4% of the coins. 🚀 2️⃣ BeInCrypto: Phoenix Wallet and Wasabi Wallet express concern that non-custodial wallet providers in the US might face legal repercussions. These services are ceasing operations for American clients in response to the conflict between authorities and Consensys, the parent company of MetaMask, as well as the bitcoin mixer Samourai Wallet. ⚠️ 3️⃣ HKEX: On April 30, trading commenced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) for six spot ETFs based on #Bitcoin and Ethereum. 📈 4️⃣ BNB Chain: The development team behind #BNB Chain has initiated the second phase of the Airdrop Alliance program, ensuring ongoing retroactive airdrops for users of BNB Smart Chain (BSC) and opBNB. The snapshot for this will be taken on May 15. 💸 5️⃣ Chainwire: The L1 blockchain Sui has forged a partnership with Google Cloud, a cloud service provider. This collaboration aims to tackle Web3 challenges through data analysis leveraging artificial intelligence and Zero-Knowledge Proofs technology. ☁️ 😊 If you found this content engaging, why not consider subscribing for more updates on the latest news and trends in the crypto world!
🪙 Crypto News (Apr 30, 2024): 1️⃣ Lookonchain: On April 29, 2024, an unidentified investor successfully transformed 44.78 #Solana (SOL) into $8.28 million, utilizing the meme coin #TIM for the transaction. 🚀 2️⃣ Ahead of the launch of the second iteration of the Friend.Tech protocol, developers conducted a snapshot preceding the #FRIEND token airdrop for the community. The precise distribution date remains undisclosed, prompting community speculation that it may coincide with the migration of user point balances onto the blockchain. 📸 3️⃣ Tether: Tether, the entity behind the #USDT stablecoin, directed a $200 million investment toward Blackrock Neurotech, a biotechnology firm focusing on medical devices driven by brain signals to aid individuals afflicted by paralysis and neurological disorders. 🧠 4️⃣ Visa: This year witnessed #USDC eclipsing USDT to claim the mantle of market leader in transaction volume. Over the past week, USDC's transaction volume soared to $455.51 billion, while USDT barely surpassed $88.5 billion within the same timeframe. 💳 5️⃣ Incrypted: Scheduled from June 21 to 23, 2024, an offline hackathon will convene in Kyiv, attracting skilled developers, students, and enthusiasts from numerous countries. Notable speakers include representatives from leading Web3 companies and blockchain projects such as MetaMask, EtherFi, Gnosis, Scroll, Ideasoft, Intmax, Horizen Labs, Nethermind, Global Ledger, Kelp DAO, among others. 🛠️ 📲 Care to share your insights on any of these developments? Perhaps you possess valuable perspectives on the crypto market or forthcoming events within the tech sphere? Don't hesitate to drop a comment below! And if you haven't already subscribed, why not do so now to ensure you stay abreast of the latest news?

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