Binance Square
Crypto Insiders
BTC/USDT ANALYSIS BTC is presently in the process of retesting above the ascending triangle pattern on a 4-hour timeframe. The MA 50 and the Ichimoku cloud are serving as crucial support levels. An upward price movement is anticipated as long as BTC continues to trade above the triangle. However, in the event of an unsuccessful retest, a downward price movement is also anticipated. #BTC #bitcoin $BTC


BTC is presently in the process of retesting above the ascending triangle pattern on a 4-hour timeframe. The MA 50 and the Ichimoku cloud are serving as crucial support levels.

An upward price movement is anticipated as long as BTC continues to trade above the triangle. However, in the event of an unsuccessful retest, a downward price movement is also anticipated.

#BTC #bitcoin $BTC

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