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🚀DeFi fans, gather 'round!🚀 In the midst of crypto winter, Ethereum layer-2 developers like OP Labs, Polygon, and Matter Labs are competing to provide tech for Celo blockchain's new network. It's like a blockchain bake-off!🎂 🔗Chainlink Labs & Ripple are finding solace in the idea that the future of finance might be a hybrid of crypto & traditional finance. So, it's not a winner-takes-all game after all!🤝 🗣️Let's chat in the comments: Are you team OP Labs, Polygon, or Matter Labs? And do you think a hybrid financial future is the way to go?🤔 Remember, folks: In the world of DeFi, there's never a dull moment! Stay warm in this crypto winter & keep hodling!💪😉

🚀DeFi fans, gather 'round!🚀 In the midst of crypto winter, Ethereum layer-2 developers like OP Labs, Polygon, and Matter Labs are competing to provide tech for Celo blockchain's new network. It's like a blockchain bake-off!🎂

🔗Chainlink Labs & Ripple are finding solace in the idea that the future of finance might be a hybrid of crypto & traditional finance. So, it's not a winner-takes-all game after all!🤝

🗣️Let's chat in the comments: Are you team OP Labs, Polygon, or Matter Labs? And do you think a hybrid financial future is the way to go?🤔

Remember, folks: In the world of DeFi, there's never a dull moment! Stay warm in this crypto winter & keep hodling!💪😉

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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