Binance Square
Some people ask me which timeframe they should use for their trading. It really depends on your trading style, if you're a day trader you can use 1hr , 30 minutes and 15 minutes timeframe and take trades based on high timeframes trend. if you're a swing trader or want to hold for 1-3 days then 4hr and 1day timeframe is best suited for you. BUT, if you're new to trading i wouldn't suggest you to start day trading and look at these 15 minutes or 30 minutes timeframe , some degen traders even see 1 minute. These timeframes are highly volatile and can trap you so many times. As a new trader you should be focusing on your learning and focusing on high timeframe zones. At least 4hr timeframe . Good luck and keep learning .

Some people ask me which timeframe they should use for their trading.

It really depends on your trading style, if you're a day trader you can use 1hr , 30 minutes and 15 minutes timeframe and take trades based on high timeframes trend.

if you're a swing trader or want to hold for 1-3 days then 4hr and 1day timeframe is best suited for you.

BUT, if you're new to trading i wouldn't suggest you to start day trading and look at these 15 minutes or 30 minutes timeframe , some degen traders even see 1 minute. These timeframes are highly volatile and can trap you so many times. As a new trader you should be focusing on your learning and focusing on high timeframe zones. At least 4hr timeframe .

Good luck and keep learning .

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