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Jack BlockchainJack
🚀DeFi lovers, gather 'round!🎉 Sam Bankman-Fried's defense team is seeking clarity from the U.S. judge on some spicy arguments they can use during the FTX founder's trial.👨‍⚖️ Will they be allowed to argue that FTX wasn't regulated in the U.S.?🤔 Can they discuss FTX creditors' potential massive recoveries?💰 And can they mention Sam's philanthropy?👼 😂The defense is also worried about the DOJ's plan to bring up some "alleged illegal campaign finance scheme."🙄 Judge Kaplan blocked some arguments earlier, but the defense ain't giving up!🥊 🍿Grab your popcorn, folks! The trial starts Tuesday, and we're in for a rollercoaster ride!🎢 Share your thoughts in the comments below!👇 #DeFi #FTX #Web3

🚀DeFi lovers, gather 'round!🎉 Sam Bankman-Fried's defense team is seeking clarity from the U.S. judge on some spicy arguments they can use during the FTX founder's trial.👨‍⚖️ Will they be allowed to argue that FTX wasn't regulated in the U.S.?🤔 Can they discuss FTX creditors' potential massive recoveries?💰 And can they mention Sam's philanthropy?👼

😂The defense is also worried about the DOJ's plan to bring up some "alleged illegal campaign finance scheme."🙄 Judge Kaplan blocked some arguments earlier, but the defense ain't giving up!🥊

🍿Grab your popcorn, folks! The trial starts Tuesday, and we're in for a rollercoaster ride!🎢 Share your thoughts in the comments below!👇 #DeFi #FTX #Web3

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