Binance Square
#BTC on 100 EMA support in 4H Time Frame in 4h time frame is on 100 EMA support which is near 26521 around. Above this support there is hope of getting movement in above direction where below this support it will fall further.🤪Always trade with stop loss and OCO your research ..Like and Comment our ideas..Trade Safe Play Safe:))🙂 #bitcoin   #KeepBuilding   #Buildtogether  #Ethereum

#BTC on 100 EMA support in 4H Time Frame

in 4h time frame is on 100 EMA support which is near 26521 around. Above this support there is hope of getting movement in above direction where below this support it will fall further.🤪Always trade with stop loss and OCO your research ..Like and Comment our ideas..Trade Safe Play Safe:))🙂

#bitcoin   #KeepBuilding   #Buildtogether  #Ethereum

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