Binance Square
Ellon mask
BTC Price alert 🆘️📉📊📈 BTC market now trading around 65k level. so guys now we are in bullish mind set because day before yesterday btc daily candl breakeout it downtrend resistant since last month. so this is huge bullish sing according to daily candlestick chart. yesterday btc maximum price level is 66.6k level then market retested to 64.5k level in today, so now we can expect btc climb to 68k resistant level withing a next 3days. but keep one thing in your mind that btc market resent support level in between 64k to 64.2k level if market drop below with unexpected over selling pressure market will be able to drive around 62k level again before next considerable pump so be careful. how ever we can expect btc will climb above 80k level within a next 4 months. so this is most suitable point to start your spot buy for bull market. and this is about our new NFT project. we creating very attractive an unique NFT for you all. we introduce this NFT very lowest price in the market around 10$. so guys don't miss that opportunity, definitely you will be able to sell that NFT s with 400%+ profit end of this month. so if you wanna own this creative art work [Just click here.]( and be part of #ellonmask team. see you guys soon with next market update. #DontMiss_Ellon_Mask

BTC Price alert 🆘️📉📊📈

BTC market now trading around 65k level. so guys now we are in bullish mind set because day before yesterday btc daily candl breakeout it downtrend resistant since last month. so this is huge bullish sing according to daily candlestick chart.

yesterday btc maximum price level is 66.6k level then market retested to 64.5k level in today, so now we can expect btc climb to 68k resistant level withing a next 3days. but keep one thing in your mind that btc market resent support level in between 64k to 64.2k level if market drop below with unexpected over selling pressure market will be able to drive around 62k level again before next considerable pump so be careful.

how ever we can expect btc will climb above 80k level within a next 4 months. so this is most suitable point to start your spot buy for bull market.

and this is about our new NFT project. we creating very attractive an unique NFT for you all. we introduce this NFT very lowest price in the market around 10$. so guys don't miss that opportunity, definitely you will be able to sell that NFT s with 400%+ profit end of this month.

so if you wanna own this creative art work Just click here. and be part of #ellonmask team.

see you guys soon with next market update.


Ellon mask
Do You want to own very rare and unique NFT 3d animated art work? so just search us on nft market place, as 1Ellonmask
إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
الردود 8
أصل التسعير 1
استكشف أحدث أخبار العملات الرقمية
⚡️ كُن جزءًا من أحدث النقاشات في مجال العملات الرقمية
💬 تفاعل مع مُنشِئي المُحتوى المُفضّلين لديك
👍 استمتع بالمحتوى الذي يثير اهتمامك
البريد الإلكتروني / رقم الهاتف
مُنشِئ مُحتوى ذو صلة

استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

Are you a copy trading leader ⁉️ 🆘️ #DontMiss_Ellon_Mask So this valuable announcement is for you. copy trading is not only about trading 80% of trading and 20% is you personality. so we are here to help you build up your personalty so strongly. we create your profile picture as very rare and personalised 3d animated NFT artwork. in our new NFT project, our management decided to create personalised NFT artworks to binance communitie members. so this case help us to grow up popularity of our creativeanimated artworks and which means our NFT will be most trending artworks in the market, and day by day its happening successfully. we think you guys can got it that your profile picture is not only your profile image, it is you future investment. our most popular NFT artwork worth around 1000$ at the moment, how great that sound isn't it? so guys go and see how creative our graphic designers artworks and join with us. we create you very creative 3d animated NFT artwork for your profile picture, and it will make you very professional copy trading profile. we only introduce this NFT artworks for just 10$. so if you wanna create your personalised 3d animated NFT artwork as you wish from us. just leave us a comment as a "yes", then we can look forward and we start to create your NFT artwork according to order of comment. how does it works? just after your comment we will contact you through binance comment section and get idea about your requirements and then we will create your NFT withing a day as you wish. then we listing your NFT in our binance NFT market store, and let you know, then you can make it yours from our binance NFT store. that's all we are waiting to work with you together.. just leave us a comment. Click here to visit our Binance NFT market store #ellonmask #PEPE‏
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