Binance Square
Ellon mask
THIS IS LATEST NFT market update..🆘️📈 Nun fungible tokens are creating new era of crypto trading and its give you 1000%+ profit by low cost, thats why nft market step up day by day. so guys in our legendary collection we created legend of elon creative animated artwork after Michael Jackson's most popular nft. 1st copy of legend elon's nft valued 1000$ worth and 2nd copy of it just value 50$. so guys the important thing is if you buy that 2nd copy around 50$ level, you will be able to sell it around 400$ to 1000$ level after sold out 1st copy. this is our best project we known as "Future of the mankind'" so hopefully that 1st copy may be buy my master elon actually. confidently we say that because discussion already going on at the moment. so don't miss that opportunity we have only one copy of that 2nd one. so guys go through below link and make it yours. it will give you more profit. that token already in auction period so go and give your offer on it, then our nft team review it and sell that valuable nft for best price. [Click here to buy this NFT](

THIS IS LATEST NFT market update..🆘️📈

Nun fungible tokens are creating new era of crypto trading and its give you 1000%+ profit by low cost, thats why nft market step up day by day.

so guys in our legendary collection we created legend of elon creative animated artwork after Michael Jackson's most popular nft.

1st copy of legend elon's nft valued 1000$ worth and 2nd copy of it just value 50$. so guys the important thing is if you buy that 2nd copy around 50$ level, you will be able to sell it around 400$ to 1000$ level after sold out 1st copy.

this is our best project we known as "Future of the mankind'" so hopefully that 1st copy may be buy my master elon actually.

confidently we say that because discussion already going on at the moment.

so don't miss that opportunity we have only one copy of that 2nd one. so guys go through below link and make it yours. it will give you more profit.

that token already in auction period so go and give your offer on it, then our nft team review it and sell that valuable nft for best price.

Click here to buy this NFT

Ellon mask
Last call of sell off🆘️🚨
respect you sir..🙏

Heavy go, fellows here we are going to tell you about very rare opportunity. we all are know Michael Jackson is a ever emmortal true legend of the history.

he is a singer , dancer, song writer, which means "King of pop". he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century.

so we created 10 creative , 3d , animated NFT artworks for respect to " Michael Jackson " and 9 of them successfully sold out and one is left.

so guys don't miss this opportunity this is 1st 3d animated NFT artwork of a legend. this NFT will be million dollars value in future. actually the true is we can't give value.

this is promotional price because our goal is build real customer base on binance NFT market place too.. that's why we listing one piece of our every creative art works on #BinanceNFT market place.

OK no more words just go to our NFT market place by below link and let this legendary NFT as yours. also dont froget to followus on NFT marketplace.

Click here for make this NFT yours

#ellonmask #DontMiss_Ellon_Mask
إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
استكشف أحدث أخبار العملات الرقمية
⚡️ كُن جزءًا من أحدث النقاشات في مجال العملات الرقمية
💬 تفاعل مع مُنشِئي المُحتوى المُفضّلين لديك
👍 استمتع بالمحتوى الذي يثير اهتمامك
البريد الإلكتروني / رقم الهاتف
مُنشِئ مُحتوى ذو صلة

استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

Gap annalisis 📊🆘️ lesson no.1️⃣1️⃣ part 01 Gaps, in the world of technical analysis, represent areas on a chart where no trading activity took place, resulting in a "gap" in the price chart. Recognizing and understanding the significance of these gaps can be pivotal for traders to capitalize on potential opportunities and manage risk. A gap occurs when there's a significant difference between the closing price of one period and the opening price of the next, without any trading occurring between these two prices. These gaps are often the result of some fundamental event or news item that significantly changes the perceived value of an asset overnight. What it is and what it shows Gaps can appear on any time frame, from minute charts up to monthly charts, and can be observed in stocks, futures, forex, and other financial markets. They often indicate strong sentiment about a security and can give insights into the future direction of its price. The types of gaps include: Common Gaps: These are usually not associated with any news event and are often filled relatively quickly. They don't offer much insight into price direction. Breakaway Gaps: These gaps occur after a consolidation or trading range and signify the start of a new trend. A stock that's been trading in a tight range may suddenly gap up or down, signaling the beginning of a new uptrend or downtrend. Runaway (or Measuring) Gaps: These gaps are seen in the middle of a trend and suggest the trend is likely to continue. For example, in a bullish trend, a runaway gap would be a gap up, indicating strong interest even at higher prices. Exhaustion Gaps: These are found near the end of a trend, signaling that the trend might be running out of steam and a reversal could be near. Island Reversal Gaps: This is a scenario where the market gaps in the direction of the prevailing trend, trades for a few days, and then gaps back in the opposite direction, leaving a "gap island" on the chart. This can be a powerful reversal signal. see you soon with part two.. #ellonmask #DontMiss_Ellon_Mask
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