The next DAO Talk is on Tuesday, March 12th at UTC.

To talk about the future of working and networking in the age of DAOs, we brought together a panel of domain experts, including:

🔘@Laceykaelani, the cofounder of Metaintro @metaintro
🔘@PiSofaEth, Head of Growth at Link3 @link3to
🔘@dumbcontracts, crypto libertarian socialist and BD of The Crypto Recruiters @Web3Recruit

🗨 Each of our panelists is building tools for work and/or networking in Web3, so we will have much to learn from all of them. We’ll discuss how the nature of work is changing, what the hiring process may look like in the DAO future, and what is the meaning of networking in the DAO world (among many other topics).

Join and bring questions!🔥

📍As always, there will be a $DEXE raffle among listeners