Binance Square
BTC trader since 2015. There will be trade deals and interesting research every day. Also other coins that you write in the comments 😌
🔥 如果我們從全局來看 $ETH ,我們處於一個大的上升通道中,有趣的是,它位於通道的底部。因此,如果我們幻想,我們可以看到不切實際的價格,例如 #Ethereum 的 25K,甚至是瘋狂的 270K 🤯 在評論中寫下 👇 您是否相信 #altseason #AltcoinBoom! #altcoins❗️ 的這樣的價格
🔥 如果我們從全局來看 $ETH ,我們處於一個大的上升通道中,有趣的是,它位於通道的底部。因此,如果我們幻想,我們可以看到不切實際的價格,例如 #Ethereum 的 25K,甚至是瘋狂的 270K 🤯 在評論中寫下 👇 您是否相信 #altseason #AltcoinBoom! #altcoins❗️ 的這樣的價格
你必須看到它🔥🔥🔥我不是 #ripple 的粉絲,但我不能忽視我們在周線圖上處於一個全球三角形中!



#РинковіНастроїСьогодні #altcoins❗️ #binance #altseason
1) 總體而言,價格按照預測波動 - 在 50(黃色)100(紫色)MA 之間盤整。這是 60000 – 65000K 範圍。一段時間內,價格可能會朝這個方向波動,流動性的撤出會稍微高/低,雙向波動 2) 允許重新測試第 100 條 MA 並縮小 5 月 3 日以來的缺口,即回到 60K 大關,可能稍微低一點 3) 中期關鍵支撐區與以前一樣,仍然是每週 TF 上的 58K。只要 $BTC 保持這個數字,一切都遵循最後兩個牛市週期的標準情景 #Bitcoin #binance #altseason #altcoins❗️
1) 總體而言,價格按照預測波動 - 在 50(黃色)100(紫色)MA 之間盤整。這是 60000 – 65000K 範圍。一段時間內,價格可能會朝這個方向波動,流動性的撤出會稍微高/低,雙向波動

2) 允許重新測試第 100 條 MA 並縮小 5 月 3 日以來的缺口,即回到 60K 大關,可能稍微低一點

3) 中期關鍵支撐區與以前一樣,仍然是每週 TF 上的 58K。只要 $BTC 保持這個數字,一切都遵循最後兩個牛市週期的標準情景 #Bitcoin #binance #altseason #altcoins❗️
現在觀察這個 #Bitcoin 主導趨勢非常重要,因爲如果我們在周線圖上錨定在這個趨勢之下,這將意味着 #altseason 我們已經可以看到 $FRONT or$TRB 等代幣是如何增長的,這是非常積極的。順便說一句,這兩枚代幣是 2023 年 9 月至 10 月開始泵時最先增長的 #altcoins❗️ #AltcoinBoom!
現在觀察這個 #Bitcoin 主導趨勢非常重要,因爲如果我們在周線圖上錨定在這個趨勢之下,這將意味着 #altseason

我們已經可以看到 $FRONT or$TRB 等代幣是如何增長的,這是非常積極的。順便說一句,這兩枚代幣是 2023 年 9 月至 10 月開始泵時最先增長的 #altcoins❗️ #AltcoinBoom!
A quick overview of #Bitcoin and my opinion. 🔥Weekly timeframe. You implemented a hammer candle, which is a bullish sign. I'm not a big believer in candlestick analysis for cryptocurrencies but it should have been said as the week really ended well. Also, most importantly, we closed above 60,500 - 61,500, which is also a bullish sign. (see the first screenshot) Also, pay attention to the second screenshot. When we were at 40K +- it seems it was already happening. Then the weekly candle also closed in a similar way and in general the situation resembled what is happening now. After that, we grew by almost 100%. History can repeat itself. 🔥Daily timeframe. I previously showed that we are holding well above the 100 moving, so we managed to retest it and trade above it again. The last time we tested it we grew almost 100%. Also pay attention to the daily MACD, we are finally in a bullish path and it shows us again that the bulls are gaining strength. Basically what I'm looking at right now to be sure. The most important thing for me right now is not to go below 60K and to consolidate above 67,200 - 69,000 ( see screenshot 4 ) If we close this week above this mark, I will be 100% bullish. At this point, there could still be a correction or even another leg lower. But I give this option no more than 10%. Share this post and write in the comments what you think about it 😊 #TrendingTopic! #altcoins❗️ #binance #altseason
A quick overview of #Bitcoin and my opinion.

🔥Weekly timeframe. You implemented a hammer candle, which is a bullish sign. I'm not a big believer in candlestick analysis for cryptocurrencies but it should have been said as the week really ended well. Also, most importantly, we closed above 60,500 - 61,500, which is also a bullish sign. (see the first screenshot)

Also, pay attention to the second screenshot. When we were at 40K +- it seems it was already happening. Then the weekly candle also closed in a similar way and in general the situation resembled what is happening now. After that, we grew by almost 100%. History can repeat itself.

🔥Daily timeframe. I previously showed that we are holding well above the 100 moving, so we managed to retest it and trade above it again. The last time we tested it we grew almost 100%. Also pay attention to the daily MACD, we are finally in a bullish path and it shows us again that the bulls are gaining strength.

Basically what I'm looking at right now to be sure. The most important thing for me right now is not to go below 60K and to consolidate above 67,200 - 69,000 ( see screenshot 4 ) If we close this week above this mark, I will be 100% bullish.

At this point, there could still be a correction or even another leg lower. But I give this option no more than 10%.

Share this post and write in the comments what you think about it 😊
#TrendingTopic! #altcoins❗️ #binance #altseason
Next week there are practically no significant events and data on the economy other than the standard ones that are published weekly. At the same time, earnings season continues in the US #Bitcoin looks like it wants to make a V-shaped reversal after breaking down $57,000, plus the week may close quite well (we'll find out tomorrow) The combination of these two factors is currently encouraging; there is a reasonable probability that the peak of the correction has passed. #binance #altcoins❗️ #AltcoinBoom! #altseason
Next week there are practically no significant events and data on the economy other than the standard ones that are published weekly. At the same time, earnings season continues in the US

#Bitcoin looks like it wants to make a V-shaped reversal after breaking down $57,000, plus the week may close quite well (we'll find out tomorrow)

The combination of these two factors is currently encouraging; there is a reasonable probability that the peak of the correction has passed.

#binance #altcoins❗️ #AltcoinBoom! #altseason
The dollar index (DXY) is falling quite actively on the release of the US unemployment report, which turned out to be higher than expected. Against this background, all markets are growing, incl. The crypto is also being restored. In any case, now #Bitcoin needs to be returned for $65,000 with a fix so that the correction can be considered completed. #binance #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #altcoins❗️
The dollar index (DXY) is falling quite actively on the release of the US unemployment report, which turned out to be higher than expected.

Against this background, all markets are growing, incl. The crypto is also being restored. In any case, now #Bitcoin needs to be returned for $65,000 with a fix so that the correction can be considered completed.

#binance #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #altcoins❗️
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