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Jupiter 在 Solana 生態系統中空投 100 億個 JUP。 🌌💸💲🪂 Solana 生態系統內的一個項目 Jupiter 發起了大規模的空投活動。在 Jupiter 發佈公告後,用戶現在可以領取他們的 JUP 代幣。 空投詳情: 此次空投涉及分發 100 億個 JUP 代幣,相當於代幣總供應量的 40%。分發分四個階段進行,第一階段針對截至 11 月 2 日交換量至少爲 1,​​000 美元的用戶。在初始階段,將向符合條件的用戶分發 10 億枚代幣。 創始人的見解: 創始人“喵”分享了對代幣分配策略的見解。初始代幣的 2% 將平均分配給所有錢包,7% 根據交易量分配,1% 分配給 Discord 和 Twitter 社區成員。 項目成果: 10 月份,木星交易量高達 350 億美元。 #Solana #SOL #jupiter #JUP #Airdrop🪂

Jupiter 在 Solana 生態系統中空投 100 億個 JUP。 🌌💸💲🪂

Solana 生態系統內的一個項目 Jupiter 發起了大規模的空投活動。在 Jupiter 發佈公告後,用戶現在可以領取他們的 JUP 代幣。


此次空投涉及分發 100 億個 JUP 代幣,相當於代幣總供應量的 40%。分發分四個階段進行,第一階段針對截至 11 月 2 日交換量至少爲 1,​​000 美元的用戶。在初始階段,將向符合條件的用戶分發 10 億枚代幣。


創始人“喵”分享了對代幣分配策略的見解。初始代幣的 2% 將平均分配給所有錢包,7% 根據交易量分配,1% 分配給 Discord 和 Twitter 社區成員。


10 月份,木星交易量高達 350 億美元。

#Solana #SOL #jupiter #JUP #Airdrop🪂

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Mark Feygin launches protest vote campaign via Arbitrum despite Putin's win. 🤨 In the wake of Putin's recent triumph, a glimmer of dissent shines through the darkness of autocracy. Spearheaded by exiled opposition leader Mark Feygin, the Arbitrum campaign emerges as a beacon of hope, offering Russians a platform to voice their discontent through anonymous votes, despite the tightening grip of Putin's regime. The cornerstone of the Arbitrum campaign lies in its promise of anonymity. By providing a safe haven for Russians to express their grievances without fear of retribution, the movement ensures that dissenting voices can resonate without jeopardizing personal safety. While the outcome of these protest votes may not sway election results, each ballot cast symbolizes a powerful act of defiance against Putin's autocratic rule. In the face of oppression, every vote becomes a testament to the resilience of the Russian people and their unwavering commitment to freedom. Mark Feygin's leadership from afar serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of the opposition movement. Despite being exiled, Feygin's steadfast dedication to the cause of democracy in Russia underscores the unwavering resolve of those who refuse to be silenced. Putin's reelection for a fifth term comes amidst a backdrop of escalating repression. Opposition voices are stifled through imprisonment, exile, and outright bans, yet the spirit of resistance remains unbroken. The question looms large: How will Putin respond to the Arbitrum campaign? Will he acknowledge the growing tide of dissent, or will he continue to dismiss it as inconsequential? Regardless, the movement serves as a stark reminder of the enduring struggle for political change in Russia. The Arbitrum campaign is a powerful symbol of resistance against authoritarianism, highlighting the unwavering determination of those who won't be silenced. It underscores that the fight for democracy persists despite challenges, showing that tyranny can't snuff out the quest for freedom. #Putin #Russia #MarkFeygin
The founder of Twitter announced! On that date, BTC will be $1 million. 🚀🪙 In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin stands as a beacon of innovation and speculation. Recent remarks by Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and Square, have reignited discussions about Bitcoin's future trajectory, sparking both excitement and skepticism among investors worldwide. Dorsey's bold prediction suggests that by the year 2030, Bitcoin could soar to an astonishing value of $1 million. Such a forecast may seem audacious to some, considering the cryptocurrency's turbulent history of price fluctuations. Yet, it underscores the growing belief in Bitcoin's potential to revolutionize the global financial system. At present, Bitcoin commands a market value of $60,554, with its value reaching an all-time high of $60,486. While Ethereum, Solana, and XRP trail behind at $2,899, $146, and $0.50, respectively, Bitcoin remains the undisputed leader in the realm of digital currencies. Despite its volatility, Bitcoin has demonstrated remarkable resilience and exponential growth over the years, attracting both ardent supporters and cautious observers. Its decentralized nature, limited supply, and widespread adoption continue to fuel its ascent, captivating the attention of institutional investors and retail traders alike. Jack Dorsey's visionary leadership in the tech industry lends credibility to his optimistic outlook on Bitcoin's long-term trajectory. As a pioneer in digital innovation, Dorsey has leveraged his expertise to champion disruptive technologies that challenge conventional norms. Beyond his achievements as a software architect and entrepreneur, Dorsey's accolades include being named one of the "35 Innovators Under 35" by MIT Technology Review in 2008. His visionary leadership has propelled Twitter and Square to prominence, solidifying his reputation as a trailblazer in the digital age. #JackDorsey #ETFvsBTC #BTC #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool
Aptos' first offline meeting in Turkey was in Istanbul on May 11th. 🎉🔥 On the vibrant streets of Istanbul, Turkey, May 11th, 2024 marked a significant milestone for tech enthusiasts and community builders alike as they converged for Aptos Foundation's inaugural offline gathering. Amidst the bustling cityscape, attendees were immersed in a world of innovative ideas and collaborative endeavors, all under the banner of Aptos' vision for the future. Among the attendees was Max Unger, a key member of Aptos Foundation's ecosystem team, whose insights sparked dynamic discussions on project development, grant opportunities, and the potential for fruitful collaborations within the Aptos ecosystem. From envisioning groundbreaking projects to exploring avenues for mutual growth, each interaction was infused with the spirit of innovation and community. Max Unger tantalized attendees with promising glimpses of upcoming events, hinting at further opportunities for engagement and learning within the ever-evolving Aptos landscape. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as attendees eagerly awaited the chance to dive deeper into the possibilities that Aptos offers. Inspired by the authenticity of the discussions and the boundless potential of Aptos, many attendees, including myself, made the decision to integrate APT coin into our digital wallets, aligning ourselves with Aptos' mission to revolutionize the intersection of technology and community. As the gathering drew to a close, there was a palpable sense of excitement for the future, fueled by the connections made and the shared vision of a world empowered by Aptos. With eyes set on the horizon, attendees eagerly anticipated the next Aptos event, eagerly anticipating more enriching experiences and the opportunity to forge lasting collaborations. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and community, Aptos Foundation stands as a beacon of innovation, bridging the gap between vision and reality, and paving the way for a brighter, more connected future. #Aptos #APT #istanbul #MaxUnger #AptosFoundation




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