Binance Square
🚨突發新聞! 🚨 以太坊第 2 層區塊鏈項目 Eclipse 的負責人 Neel Somani 由於性行為不端的指控而暫時辭去職務。 😲 索馬尼一直堅稱自己是無辜的,他於 5 月 9 日回應了這些指控。他表示,“上週推特上出現了針對我的嚴重指控。這些指控都是虛假的。”他進一步強調事態的嚴重性和徹底調查的必要性。 🕵️‍♂️ 同時,他決定辭去 Eclipse 中面向公眾的角色。他相信高階領導層能夠在他缺席的情況下承擔起職責。他說:「雖然我努力洗清自己的名譽並為自己辯護,但這種情況影響了他們的聲譽,這對Eclipse 團隊、我們的投資者或我們的開發者生態系統來說是不公平的。 」 🙇‍♂️ Eclipse 已對此事做出回應,確認支持徹底調查並致力於透明度和問責制。該公司仍然致力於彌合以太坊和 Solana 之間的差距並為加密行業的未來建立高性能區塊鏈的使命。 🚀 儘管存在爭議,Eclipse 最近宣布成功完成 A 輪融資,在主網首次亮相之前籌集了 5000 萬美元。本輪融資由 Placeholder 和 Hack VC 共同領投,使該公司籌集的資金總額達到 6,500 萬美元。 💰 請繼續關注這個發展故事的更多更新! 📰

🚨突發新聞! 🚨 以太坊第 2 層區塊鏈項目 Eclipse 的負責人 Neel Somani 由於性行為不端的指控而暫時辭去職務。 😲

索馬尼一直堅稱自己是無辜的,他於 5 月 9 日回應了這些指控。他表示,“上週推特上出現了針對我的嚴重指控。這些指控都是虛假的。”他進一步強調事態的嚴重性和徹底調查的必要性。 🕵️‍♂️

同時,他決定辭去 Eclipse 中面向公眾的角色。他相信高階領導層能夠在他缺席的情況下承擔起職責。他說:「雖然我努力洗清自己的名譽並為自己辯護,但這種情況影響了他們的聲譽,這對Eclipse 團隊、我們的投資者或我們的開發者生態系統來說是不公平的。 」 🙇‍♂️

Eclipse 已對此事做出回應,確認支持徹底調查並致力於透明度和問責制。該公司仍然致力於彌合以太坊和 Solana 之間的差距並為加密行業的未來建立高性能區塊鏈的使命。 🚀

儘管存在爭議,Eclipse 最近宣布成功完成 A 輪融資,在主網首次亮相之前籌集了 5000 萬美元。本輪融資由 Placeholder 和 Hack VC 共同領投,使該公司籌集的資金總額達到 6,500 萬美元。 💰

請繼續關注這個發展故事的更多更新! 📰

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🚨Crypto news alert!🚨 Sam Kazemian, founder of Frax Finance, has pointed the finger at an inside job for the recent hack of the project's official account. The breach occurred on June 1, leaving the decentralized stablecoin protocol FRAX USD in the lurch. 😱 In a Telegram post, Kazemian claimed that the Frax Finance team is "reasonably sure" they've identified the culprit, a "serial scammer" known to blockchain investigator ZachXBT. "This was an inside job," Kazemian stressed, adding that the breach was not due to any security flaws or phishing attacks. 🕵️‍♂️ The drama unfolded when the Frax Finance account was compromised. Kazemian urgently reached out to his followers, seeking assistance to contact the platform's customer service. However, he claimed that the passwords were not tampered with and there were no internal security issues within Frax Finance that could have led to the breach. Instead, he pointed to potential social engineering and insider involvement. 😲 As of now, the account remains active but no new posts have been visible since the hack. Neither the platform nor its CEO, Elon Musk, has made any official comments addressing the breach. 🤐 This incident is the latest in a series of hacks targeting crypto projects, allegedly attributed to insider actions. In late May, a crypto trader reported a similar compromise of his account, suggesting that the attackers took control of his account through bribery and used it to promote a pump-and-dump scheme. 📉 Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story! 📰👀
🚀🚀Buckle up, Bitcoin enthusiasts! Social Capital CEO Chamath Palihapitiya predicts Bitcoin will hit a whopping $500,000 per coin by the end of 2025! 🎉🎉 This prediction outshines those of analysts at Standard Chartered and Bernstein, who see a more modest price appreciation due to the halving effect. 📈📈Palihapitiya's forecast is based on Bitcoin's performance after previous halvings. For instance, Bitcoin's price multiplied 7.8x within 18 months after its third halving in May 2020. The halving, a feature in Bitcoin's software, cuts its supply inflation rate in half every 210,000 blocks, or roughly every four years, theoretically creating a supply shock that drives up Bitcoin's price. 🔮🔮Using this model, Palihapitiya projects Bitcoin reaching $497,977 by October 2025. If we consider the average price performance between Bitcoin's second and third halvings, the projected price skyrockets to $1.14 million! 💰💰Where will the demand come from, you ask? Palihapitiya points to an "increasing body of countries" that may adopt a dual currency standard, like El Salvador. He believes Bitcoin will "completely replace" gold and even begin to have transactional utility for hard assets if it truly reaches over $500,000 per coin. 🏦🏦The significance of newly launched Bitcoin ETFs, which have "commercialized Bitcoin," is also acknowledged by Palihapitiya. Analysts at Standard Chartered, impressed by the powerful inflows this year, predict Bitcoin to reach $200,000 by the end of 2025. So, are you ready for the Bitcoin rollercoaster? 🎢🎢




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