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YPF 探索利用阿根廷天然氣過剩進行比特幣挖礦 國有石油公司 YPF 與挪威公司 Equinor 合作,啓動了一個爲阿根廷比特幣挖礦場供電的項目。 利用天然氣過剩進行比特幣挖礦在阿根廷越來越受歡迎。最近,一個擁有一千多名 ASIC 礦工的農場成立,他們利用 YPF 在巴塔哥尼亞的石油作業產生的殘餘氣體來創造收入。 該設施名爲 Central Térmica Bajo del Toro,位於內烏肯省的 Rincón de los Sauces,擁有 1,200 個 ASIC 單元。它是 YPF、YPF Luz 和挪威公司 Equinor 以及專門從事比特幣挖礦的 Genesis Digital Assets Limited (GDA) 合作的產物。 YPF(Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales)於 2012 年被阿根廷政府重新收歸國有,已成爲該國領先的能源公司之一,也是南美第三大石油公司。該公司從事石油、天然氣和電力的勘探、生產、精煉、運輸和銷售。 根據 YPF 的一份聲明,該熱電廠的總容量爲 8 兆瓦,它被推廣爲減少溫室氣體排放、優化能源使用和利用原本會排放到大氣中的天然氣過剩的措施。 需要強調的是,這種氣體被重新用於爲比特幣挖礦發電,比特幣挖礦是一個需要大量能源的行業,但不會影響國家電網的可用性,並提供可持續的替代方案。 🌟 您首先在 LocademiaCripto 上看到它,我會將相關新聞和教育指南與您的點贊交換,終身!不要猶豫,點擊 👍 按鈕並繼續關注,因爲很快就會有更多內容等着您! #DailyNews #Argentina

YPF 探索利用阿根廷天然氣過剩進行比特幣挖礦

國有石油公司 YPF 與挪威公司 Equinor 合作,啓動了一個爲阿根廷比特幣挖礦場供電的項目。

利用天然氣過剩進行比特幣挖礦在阿根廷越來越受歡迎。最近,一個擁有一千多名 ASIC 礦工的農場成立,他們利用 YPF 在巴塔哥尼亞的石油作業產生的殘餘氣體來創造收入。

該設施名爲 Central Térmica Bajo del Toro,位於內烏肯省的 Rincón de los Sauces,擁有 1,200 個 ASIC 單元。它是 YPF、YPF Luz 和挪威公司 Equinor 以及專門從事比特幣挖礦的 Genesis Digital Assets Limited (GDA) 合作的產物。

YPF(Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales)於 2012 年被阿根廷政府重新收歸國有,已成爲該國領先的能源公司之一,也是南美第三大石油公司。該公司從事石油、天然氣和電力的勘探、生產、精煉、運輸和銷售。

根據 YPF 的一份聲明,該熱電廠的總容量爲 8 兆瓦,它被推廣爲減少溫室氣體排放、優化能源使用和利用原本會排放到大氣中的天然氣過剩的措施。


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Charles Hoskinson, founder of Cardano and CEO of IOG, has criticized President Joe Biden, claiming that he is making a concerted effort to destroy the cryptocurrency industry in the United States. Bitcoin ($BTC ), Ether ($ETH ), Ripple's $XRP , Cardano's ADA, Solana (SOL), and other cryptocurrencies have once again captured attention amid fears that the Biden administration wants to do away with cryptocurrencies. "The Biden administration has initiated a coordinated effort to end cryptocurrencies," Charles Hoskinson stated on X. Hoskinson pointed out that over the past few years, the U.S. government has "damaged the cryptocurrency industry in every possible way," citing limited access to bank accounts, regulation policy through enforcement of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules, and most recently, the White House's "obstruction" of the legislative process. In a statement from May 8, President Biden promised to veto H.J. Res. 109, which demanded that the SEC withdraw its anti-cryptocurrency banking policies. Notably, the resolution was passed with a bipartisan vote of 229-193, declaring that the SEC's arguments were hindering innovation in the cryptocurrency asset space. The White House claimed that overturning Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) 121 would prevent the SEC from being able to "protect investors in the cryptocurrency markets and safeguard the broader financial system." However, cryptocurrency experts do not see it that way, with many believing that Biden's political rival, Donald Trump, would be a more suitable choice in the November elections. "This November, if you vote for Joe Biden as a cryptocurrency holder, please understand that this administration's intention is to destroy the American cryptocurrency industry," Hoskinson suggested. "Understand this. It's absolutely clear." A member of the crypto community on X refuted the Cardano creator's claims against Biden, observing that the previous Trump regime was also not exactly open to cryptocurrencies.


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