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1. 自我教育:花時間瞭解加密貨幣、區塊鏈技術及其工作原理。您瞭解得越多,就越能發現潛在的騙局。 2. 覈實來源:在相信信息或投資建議之前,請務必覈實來源的可信度。堅持使用信譽良好的新聞來源、論壇和官方項目網站。 3. 分散投資:避免將所有資金投入一種加密貨幣或投資。分散投資組合有助於降低風險並防止潛在損失。 4. 使用信譽良好的交易所:僅使用成熟且信譽良好的加密貨幣交易所進行買賣和交易。在使用交易所之前,請研究其安全措施和用戶評論。 5. 保持懷疑:對未經請求的投資機會保持謹慎,尤其是那些承諾保證回報或使用高壓銷售策略的機會。值得信賴的投資通常不需要立即採取行動。 6. 報告可疑活動:如果您遇到潛在的騙局或欺詐活動,請向相關部門或平臺報告。通過這樣做,您可以幫助保護其他人免於成爲同一騙局的受害者。 $BTC $ETH $BNB #ScamRiskWarning

1. 自我教育:花時間瞭解加密貨幣、區塊鏈技術及其工作原理。您瞭解得越多,就越能發現潛在的騙局。

2. 覈實來源:在相信信息或投資建議之前,請務必覈實來源的可信度。堅持使用信譽良好的新聞來源、論壇和官方項目網站。

3. 分散投資:避免將所有資金投入一種加密貨幣或投資。分散投資組合有助於降低風險並防止潛在損失。

4. 使用信譽良好的交易所:僅使用成熟且信譽良好的加密貨幣交易所進行買賣和交易。在使用交易所之前,請研究其安全措施和用戶評論。

5. 保持懷疑:對未經請求的投資機會保持謹慎,尤其是那些承諾保證回報或使用高壓銷售策略的機會。值得信賴的投資通常不需要立即採取行動。

6. 報告可疑活動:如果您遇到潛在的騙局或欺詐活動,請向相關部門或平臺報告。通過這樣做,您可以幫助保護其他人免於成爲同一騙局的受害者。



免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
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Forbes lists XRP, ADA, LTC, ETC among top "zombie" tokens The number of tokens exceeds 14,000, and the crypto market cap stands at $2.4 trillion, but more may not always be merrier. Forbes has identified a group of 20 cryptos, dubbed “zombie blockchains,” that maintain high market valuations despite showing little to no real-world utility or user adoption. The list includes well-known names such as Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and Ethereum Classic (ETC), all of which are characterized by their continued operation and trading without fulfilling practical purposes. The term “zombie blockchains” refers to blockchain projects that, like the undead, exist but do not exhibit signs of life in terms of utility or substantial user bases. These tokens continue to exist and sometimes even thrive financially due to speculative trading and substantial initial funding rather than because they have achieved their technological or practical goals. Forbes analysts noted that Ripple’s XRP was initially designed to compete with the SWIFT banking network by facilitating rapid international bank transfers at minimal fees. However, it has failed to disrupt SWIFT and now relies heavily on speculative trading for its high market value, with minimal revenue from actual network usage. “It’s largely useless, but the XRP token still sports a market value of $36 billion, making it the sixth-most valuable cryptocurrency,” analysts described. “Ripple Labs is a crypto zombie. Its XRP tokens continue to trade actively, some $2 billion worth per day, but to no purpose other than speculation. Not only is SWIFT still going strong, but there are now better ways to send payments internationally via blockchains, especially stablecoins like tether, which is pegged to the U.S. dollar and has $100 billion in circulation,” they added. $BTC $ETH $BNB #ScamRiskWarning #Megadrop #bitcoinhalving


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