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Guys, What you do in situations like this? The bull market is not unfolding the way we all expected, and when we expected. What do you do? Well its better to be a spectator. Sell it and wait a little bit for things to cool down. But keep your bags, and don't miss this bull. Whenever it maybe. But remember I always favor holding on your bags and keeping your spot position. Those who don't sell never actually loose. If the market goes up you get back your money. Today I will show you how to benefit by selling and keeping your position ready if the market goes up suddenly. After you sell. Before you go to bed and sleep, Set a Stop Limit buy order. For example if SOL is currently 125 short term resistance set your stop limit to 129. When SOL reaches this price the short term sentiment is likely shifting to bullish again and your buy order will execute at 128.6 Keep adjusting your order if the trend continues to decrease. This can work for you and it's a good guarantee you won't miss too much. Bitcoin is the true king there's no more doubt about it. Alcoins shaked and loosing half of their value for money to flow to BTC and ETH to some extent. I think the only Bull market now will be those ALTs going back to their previous ATH nothing more for 2024. Please follow me for more on what I do.
$FIL on another note. Don't be greedy in crypto. If you see good profit, just book it. Just book! Just book! Do not carry too much expectations on hourly charts. - The pump is high and you see 10-20% in your portfolio, book it! - Average pump and you see 5-10% ...book it ! 3%, 4% book it! and find another entry quickly. This increases your position. And will give you much resistance if a dump happens. Greedy people are loosers in this game. Just imagine trading against a whale. With 1 Million, a 2% increase for them is 20K. That's more than 6 months of salaries for someone who earns 3k/month. If you can't take a 5% increase on your 500 usd investment because it's just 25usd wait...a whale is gonna dump it hard until you feel the pain and give up. Every body sees their portfolio with green PnL at one time. But not everyone books them. Yet they try to do day trading 🙄. If you follow me, I hope this teaches you a lesson. And I want you to start booking those green PnL when you see them. Remember everyone is here for profit. Book your, walk away and come back another time. Follow and Like #BTC☀ #Write2Earn! $PYTH
$FIL in a surprising move. That's a smart entry right there. We're heading towards 7.7 resistance. If you want to be successful in the bull run and in crypto in general. You need to learn to trust projects with good fundamentals, even if the charts say otherwise. How many people have you read trashing good projects just because they don't pump at the time they want? Remember, whenever you see a bleeding chart for a good project. Put your eyes on it. Check the overall market sentiment and if it's positive, analyse and make your entry point. Always do this. True gains are made during bear trends. Don't get wasted on daily charts. Nobody cares about you and everybody wants you to make mistakes so they can take the win I put my eyes on this project when I saw a lot of negative sentiment. Now those same trash talk turned into marketing for the project and gained attraction from investors and traders. You follow me, I will always try to show you opportunities even in challenging market conditions. I keep my eyes on $PYTH as well just see how the chart is looking right now. Dispite the May unlocks the technology fundamentals are strong and more people are filling their bugs. #BTC☀ #pyth #Write2Earn!
Hello guys, Great news 🤩. Your boy is growing. Making moves 🤑! last month was a difficult one, yet rewarding in terms of lessons. If you check that post were I shared my lessons learned. Today I am here to share a few positive results implementing at minimum level those lessons. Check for yourselves, this is positive if you want to follow and learn Just follow, and let's move up in profits. Ask your questions and share also Lessons that benefited me to highlight here again: - To continuously keep up with the news - To continue reading and discover good projects. In this point I took my profits and I am slowly buying a new project, a very good for 40x potential. Islamic Coin #ISLM Will surprise the market soon. I suggest buying now, but always do your own research #DYOR - Last but not least - take out your profits. It's not profit if you do not book it. I will share more good opportunities that I can see right now later #ETHETFS #altcoins #BTC $PYTH $FIL
That's OAX guys. If you did like me let's celebrate! I hope it pumps even more. As usual it can go up to 2x. Plan your exit carefully.
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