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FLOKI 552% 集會征服紐約時代廣場 受歡迎的維京狗主題加密貨幣 Floki (FLOKI) 席捲曼哈頓市中心,以提高人們對區塊鏈技術的認識。 Medium 上的這一突破性公告揭開了 FLOKI 積極的營銷活動的面紗,該活動將在紐約時代廣場佔據三個月的時間。 在時代廣場做加密貨幣項目廣告是區塊鏈行業中一種流行的營銷技術,因爲時代廣場作爲紐約曼哈頓的旅遊景點、娛樂中心和熱門社區的多功能地位,每天都有數百萬人蔘觀。該廣告看板將每小時至少閃現 4 次 10 秒的廣告,每天播放 20 小時。 #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn‬

FLOKI 552% 集會征服紐約時代廣場

受歡迎的維京狗主題加密貨幣 Floki (FLOKI) 席捲曼哈頓市中心,以提高人們對區塊鏈技術的認識。 Medium 上的這一突破性公告揭開了 FLOKI 積極的營銷活動的面紗,該活動將在紐約時代廣場佔據三個月的時間。

在時代廣場做加密貨幣項目廣告是區塊鏈行業中一種流行的營銷技術,因爲時代廣場作爲紐約曼哈頓的旅遊景點、娛樂中心和熱門社區的多功能地位,每天都有數百萬人蔘觀。該廣告看板將每小時至少閃現 4 次 10 秒的廣告,每天播放 20 小時。



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Ethereum funds face $23 million in outflows amid ETF uncertainty Ethereum (ETH) crypto funds suffered over $23 million in weekly outflows, despite digital asset products witnessing $932 million in inflows for the same period, according to asset management firm CoinShares. The outflows are tied to a growing skepticism over the likelihood of the SEC approving a spot ETH exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the US. Bitcoin remained the favored asset, attracting $942 million in inflows, while there was a negligible amount directed towards short Bitcoin positions, indicating a generally positive investor outlook. Altcoins also experienced inflows, with Solana, Chainlink, and Cardano receiving $4.9 million, $3.7 million, and $1.9 million, respectively. The overall trading volume was a mere $10.5 billion for the week, a stark contrast to the $40 billion seen in March. The increase in inflows appears to be a direct reaction to a lower-than-expected Consumer Price Index (CPI) report released on Wednesday, with the latter three trading days contributing 89% of the week’s total inflows. This pattern suggests that Bitcoin prices are once again closely tied to interest rate expectations. Regionally, the US led the charge with inflows of $1 billion. Grayscale, which had experienced significant outflows amounting to $16.6 billion since its ETF launch in January, saw its first inflows of $18 million in a notable shift. Minor inflows were also recorded in Switzerland and Germany, totaling $27 million and $4.2 million, respectively. On the flip side, Hong Kong and Canada faced outflows of $83 million and $17 million. Blockchain equities have been facing a challenging year, with outflows in 14 of the 20 weeks thus far, resulting in a cumulative outflow of $512 million. $ETH #ETHETFS


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