The Impact of Debt, Tax Inequality, and a Global Agenda
The United States is on the verge of a major financial collapse. This crisis will be not just economic, but also a social catastrophe. While many expect this collapse to occur by 2040, the real date is much closer – 2026. The numbers tell the story of just how critical the situation is.
Massive Debt: A Ticking Time Bomb
Today, the U.S. federal government is crushed under an enormous $35 trillion debt. This debt is unpayable, and there is no legitimate market on Earth that can absorb such massive sums. Just on direct transfer payments alone, the government spends $3.8 trillion annually. These payments sustain 67 million Americans, and the number will only continue to rise. So, who is footing the bill? Only 70 million Americans pay taxes, bringing in a mere $2.3 trillion in revenue. This is where the real crisis begins.
This debt burden is unsustainable. Even if the Federal Reserve stops its money printing spree, inflation will continue to erode the wealth of millions. As the world moves away from the dollar, how will the U.S. pay its debts? The answer: It won’t. This is the beginning of the end for the U.S. dollar.
The Burden on Workers
Today, there are 134 million full-time workers, but this number is misleading. The truly productive workers propping up the economy are shrinking in number. For instance, the 134 million figure includes 25 million government employees. The real tax burden is carried by only 70 million people, and of those, just 20 million bear the brunt of 90% of the tax revenue. Who can possibly argue that a system where most people pay little to no taxes is sustainable?
America was once known as a high-trust society. Today, however, the majority of the population depends on government aid. This system punishes the productive class and erodes the social fabric.
Immigration Wave and a Global Agenda
The greatest disaster that no one is talking about is the massive immigration wave that has hit the U.S. in the past two years. There are now 51.6 million immigrants in the U.S., the largest number in American history. Of course, this wave is being financed by global elites. The goal? To divide the American people, manipulate elections, and permanently shift the political balance. These immigrants are overwhelmingly likely to vote for politicians who promise more government handouts. This, in the long run, will destroy America’s economic and social fabric.
Social Collapse and Violence
Once, America was a nation bound by common culture and moral values. Today, chaos, violence, and ignorance dominate our major cities. Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia, Los Angeles—these cities represent the new normal. The government now requires 25 million employees to keep society running, a direct result of increasing violence and anti-social behavior.
This ongoing wave of immigration, combined with economic collapse, will spark civil unrest by 2026. As economic failure and social violence collide, America will be on the brink of civil war. This is not a prediction—it’s an inevitability.
In conclusion, no matter who wins the upcoming elections, America is hurtling toward disaster. Debt, immigration policies, and social breakdown are pushing us past the point of no return. Prepare yourself—the storm is coming.