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剛剛報導:薩爾瓦多的謀殺率從世界最高下降到西半球最低——到 2023 年,謀殺率將達到每 10 萬人 2.3 起。 #bitcoin +布克萊

剛剛報導:薩爾瓦多的謀殺率從世界最高下降到西半球最低——到 2023 年,謀殺率將達到每 10 萬人 2.3 起。

#bitcoin +布克萊

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Timing your investments in #crypto and #altcoins. is essential. The past few weeks have shown that losses can be erased in a matter of few weeks. It also showed that it's hard to position yourself well if markets are rallying upwards. 'Am I too late?' 'Should I buy?' My personal thoughts are that these questions are relatively common to have, at this point in time. The markets have been experiencing the longest bear market in history (especially for altcoins or DeFi, as most of them have peaked in 2020 rather than 2021). Since then, if you were holding your positions, you would have had to endure a long period of sideways or downwards movements. Chainlink, for instance, has been consolidating in a range for more than 500 days and, when it breaks out of the range, it overshoots towards $16 and possibly even higher. This is quite common to expect after such a period of consolidation, but the only thing that's causing confusion and fear is: your emotions. Based on social media, at the start of a cycle, you'll still see a lot of bear market chatter as that's basically what most people have been experiencing in the past two years, so based from that experience, they'll expect the exact outcome to occur. Until it doesn't. And then, the markets break out in a way that nobody expected as this strength is the opposite of the price action prior to it. How to position yourself when things are running this fast? That's when timing of buying altcoins comes in as essential. I understand it's hard to buy into massive green candles, hence why buying during periods of no movements (and boredome) is the most appropriate way. The amount of hate I've been receiving on my Chainlink perspectives pretty much said it all. Most likely it makes most sense to wait until the altcoin drops 40-70%. Even if price is going to be higher at that stage then the current price. Hit like if you enjoy these long reads! Enjoy your Sunday.


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