you have to maintain it for 4 years till not Touch these investements... keep it.. in the same way , ThEn you will learn the Power of investement ...
NeW IDEA of earN yEiLd , Is It LiKe a GOVT offerRinGs BOnds oN thE RatEs.that CouLd PusH uP...InVeStOrs in cryPto to take use of Their BuyIng AsSet ...
wiLL KickinG the MaRket to the UpFLOW...
EaRninG yieLd tHe bInaNCe anD the ExChaNgesS
I diD not HavE a PerfeCt CLUE but i thinK... it ALwaYs wOrKs in a WaYs ..
that At ThE End Of the DAY you will Earn If your CryPto Has been IN poSiTioN of SuRgE or HiGHer from the PoSiTioN where u have BoUGHt ....
AND iTs a iniTiatIve whEre BINANCE is EDUCATING US to think FOR LONG TERM
*** ADVICE *** onLy USE your 10 % percent of your TOTAL 👈🏽 ASSESTS or MONEY
ONLY which you FeEL LeSs WoRriEd
⭐ aBOUt It...
HI... FeLlOw TRADERDS , NOw we are Heading toWarDs a nEw ERA of DIGITALS asSetS , If we do not WaNT To Get InTo
ALL thESe CryPtoS will be ScutrinizEd In A WaY THAT peopLe couLd NoT taKe a WRONG CryPto That noT pRoVide a USeFuL CASE or it maybe So Expensive InTERMS of UsaLibiTy and ScaLiBiLiTy
* FEAR FOR The CrYPtoS that HaVe a MaSsiVe SuPpLy in TRILLIONS 🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽
#ILOVE$TRUMP Hhii.... BINANCIANS sOme oF you HavE... saW THE USA SToCkS TODaY... it RoSe uP to.... 1 TriLlioN in GaIn , So Now We CaN think thE CRyPto MaRket will RISE tooo... In AnY WaY...
ItS NoT AbOuT LoVInG trUmP , ThEy ArE the JuSt thE MedIa PeRsoN OR tHe FaCe , On whIch we Get To KnoW aBout POLICIES OF THe WoRLd ThAt aRe ChaNginG Or Have a EFFeCt Of InVoLvinG....
As THe... PoPuLaS LeaDer MaDe Or MaKe tHe HaRSH DeCiSiOns , Or theY are BrouGhT to The markEt to Do a SSUDDEN chNAnGe To MaKe FeeL to PeOpLe aBout tHe ChaNgES...