Trade With Olivia
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Trade With Olivia
How to Survive Cryptocurrency Range Trading In technical analysis, range trading happens when the market reaches a point where it’s no longer making any higher highs and higher lows – or lower lows and lower highs. Instead, it’s just trading in a horizontal fashion between a defined level of support and a defined level of resistance. The price action is moving between these support and resistance levels. Once you see that type of formation on any price chart and on any time frame, we’ve got a range that we can examine a little bit more closely and trade off the support and resistance level until the range breaks out and gets invalidated. How to Trade in a Range The way we’re going to define our price ranges is quite simple: we will look for at least two price touches of support and two price touches of resistance. Once we’ve identified the range and we have validation of the range, then it becomes a pretty simple matter of just going long at support and selling at resistance. You can make great use of an oscillator indicator in a ranging trading environment to confirm the test of support/resistance and to add confluence to your price action readings. It’s important not to get in trades in the middle of the range because you’re taking on more risk and the profit margin also decreases. It is important to remember that the more a level is touched, the higher the risk that it will be broken at the next test. #informationuseful #Range #CryptoNewss $BTC #altcoins #CPIAlert
Bullish $NOT $BTC $BNB #BULLishWithBULL
What is Bitcoin Pizza Day? 22 May honors the first time a cryptocurrency- in this case Bitcoin- was used to buy real-world objects. It happened in 2010, and the objects happened to be pizzas! The story is best told in numbers: May 18, 2010: The day upon which Laszlo Hanyecz, a programmer based in Florida, USA, got peckish and decided to test the existing boundaries of his professional field by ordering pizzas using cryptocurrency. Although he didn’t specify where or how the pizzas were made and delivered, he indicated a preference for pizzas from renowned restaurant chain, Papa John’s. May 22, 2010: Since Papa John’s did not accept cryptocurrencies as a valid payment method at the time, he offered 10,000 BTC on Bitcointalk.org to anyone who would buy the crypto, purchase the pizzas for the equivalent USD amount, and deliver them. This was achieved on this day. 41 USD$: The amount that then teenage student, Jeremy Sturdivant, took up the offer for, bought the pizzas, and delivered them. Two (2): The number of Papa John’s “The Works” pizzas that were delivered to Laszlo and family on that day. $330.6419m: What 10,000 BTC in 2010 would’ve been worth twelve years later, in May 2022. $710,983,000: What 10,000 BTC in 2010 would’ve been worth according to today’s exchange rate, 22 May 2024. Why does Crystal celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day? Crystal is a leading blockchain intelligence and crypto crime investigations company. We celebrate this day as it signifies our industry’s recent recognition and integration with the traditional economy. It was also the first time a decentralized financial token was commercially used, paving the way for our current position. #pizzas #pizzaday #informationuseful $BTC
What is For Traders? For Traders is an evaluation and education firm for traders. We give you a unique opportunity to evaluate your trading skills through our trading challenges, trade on demo accounts with virtual capital, and earn real profits as a reward for your success. Essentially, we evaluate your skill, and then you're given a pool of virtual money to trade and maximize profits. You focus on trading, while we cover the losses. All information provided on For Traders website is for educational purposes only in the area of financial market trading and does not serve in anyway as specific investment recommendations, trading recommendations, analysis of investment opportunities or similar general recommendations regarding the trading of investment instruments. The Company does not provide investment services within the meaning of MIFID II The Company is not a licensed investment services provider (securities broker-dealer) within the meaning of MIFID II All trading on the platform made available as part of the services provided by the Company, although it may be based on real trading data and simulates real trading, is only notional trading on a demo account. In this sense, i.e. that it is fictitious trading on fictitious accounts, terms such as “trading” or “trader” should also be understood and should not be given the meanings they have in the context of real trading.
What Are Crypto Exchanges And How Do They Work? The size of the cryptocurrency market is now worth more than one trillion, witnessing a craze for digital currencies and decentralized finance. Every now and then hundreds and thousands of virtual currencies are cropping up. The curious segment of crypto investors thus need to know more about a proper platform which allows them to trade swiftly in various digital assets. Just like traditional stock and commodities exchanges, cryptocurrency exchanges are also kinds of platforms that facilitate its participants to trade in different kinds of cryptocurrencies. Especially after the fallout of leading crypto exchanges of the world, FTX and now the Binance-SEC saga, there is a high level of curiosity to understand more about these exchanges. To help, Forbes Advisor India has prepared a detailed guide on cryptocurrency exchanges, how they function, their types, pros and cons and most importantly listed all the red flags to watch out that a cryptocurrency exchange might possess for a potential customer. #exchange #WorkFromHome
BNB 跌破 630 USDT,24 小时跌幅0.84%
美国参议院将对废除IRS DeFi经纪人规则进行最终投票
分析师预测 Bitcoin 未来九个月有75%几率创新高
$ETH 有些人只能看到特朗普和鲍威尔在降息预期上有矛盾冲突,实则看不出人家正在演双簧戏,故意在今年Q1季度营造恐慌氛围
为什么出金容易被冻卡? USDT在国内不能直接兑换人民币,只能通过OTC(场外交易)找U商换钱。但问题来了:U商的钱不
💥SOL暴涨揭秘:多空大战开启,今晚价格暴动或引发闪崩!🚨 SOL今晚价格突然突破关键价位,从137.8美元冲至1
$ETH 以太坊 整体波动走出了震荡向上的波动,像这种盘面只能考虑拿波段短线。 上方强压2080,多次冲击此位置,
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