Binance Square
🎉🚀比特币 (BTC) 继续在加密货币世界中占据主导地位,市值超过 1.2 万亿美元——超过了 Facebook 和伯克希尔哈撒韦公司!PayPal、星巴克和 AMC 影院等大公司已将 BTC 作为支付方式,萨尔瓦多甚至在 2021 年宣布其为法定货币。🌎💰 然而,加密货币行业充斥着其他可能超越 BTC 的代币。根据 AI 聊天机器人 ChatGPT 的说法,以太坊 (ETH) 是头号竞争者。随着从工作量证明过渡到权益证明 (The Merge),ETH 提供了更好的可扩展性和更低的能耗,这可能导致其在去中心化应用程序中得到更广泛的使用,并导致价格飙升。📈🔋 Solana (SOL) 是另一个潜在的翻转者,以其高吞吐量和快速的交易速度而闻名。它吸引了大量去中心化应用,尤其是去中心化金融 (DeFi) 和非同质化代币 (NFT),这可能会转化为大幅的价格波动。🚀🔥 其他可能挑战 BTC 主导地位的加密货币包括币安币 (BNB)、卡尔达诺 (ADA)、波卡 (DOT)、雪崩 (AVAX) 等。Ripple 的原生代币 XRP 也有机会在今年取得长足进步,这取决于其对美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的诉讼结果。🏛️⚖️ 然而,ChatGPT 警告称,翻转 BTC 仍然“高度投机”,并将取决于积极的市场情绪、采用率的提高和重要的合作伙伴关系等因素。因此,虽然加密市场充满潜力,但比特币仍然是王者……目前!👑💫

🎉🚀比特币 (BTC) 继续在加密货币世界中占据主导地位,市值超过 1.2 万亿美元——超过了 Facebook 和伯克希尔哈撒韦公司!PayPal、星巴克和 AMC 影院等大公司已将 BTC 作为支付方式,萨尔瓦多甚至在 2021 年宣布其为法定货币。🌎💰

然而,加密货币行业充斥着其他可能超越 BTC 的代币。根据 AI 聊天机器人 ChatGPT 的说法,以太坊 (ETH) 是头号竞争者。随着从工作量证明过渡到权益证明 (The Merge),ETH 提供了更好的可扩展性和更低的能耗,这可能导致其在去中心化应用程序中得到更广泛的使用,并导致价格飙升。📈🔋

Solana (SOL) 是另一个潜在的翻转者,以其高吞吐量和快速的交易速度而闻名。它吸引了大量去中心化应用,尤其是去中心化金融 (DeFi) 和非同质化代币 (NFT),这可能会转化为大幅的价格波动。🚀🔥

其他可能挑战 BTC 主导地位的加密货币包括币安币 (BNB)、卡尔达诺 (ADA)、波卡 (DOT)、雪崩 (AVAX) 等。Ripple 的原生代币 XRP 也有机会在今年取得长足进步,这取决于其对美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的诉讼结果。🏛️⚖️

然而,ChatGPT 警告称,翻转 BTC 仍然“高度投机”,并将取决于积极的市场情绪、采用率的提高和重要的合作伙伴关系等因素。因此,虽然加密市场充满潜力,但比特币仍然是王者……目前!👑💫

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🚀Buckle up, BTC enthusiasts! TRM Labs, a blockchain intelligence firm, has reported a whopping increase in cryptocurrency deposits to Chinese drug precursor manufacturers. In the first four months of 2024, crypto deposits more than doubled compared to the same period in 2023! 💰 In 2023, these Chinese networks received over $26 million in cryptocurrency, with a staggering 97% of the 120 manufacturers studied offering payment options in digital currencies. The overall amount of cryptocurrency deposited into wallets linked to these manufacturers skyrocketed by more than 600% from 2022 to 2023. 📈 And guess what? Bitcoin is the star of the show! 🌟 It remains the dominant cryptocurrency used for these transactions, accounting for approximately 60% of the total payment volume. TRON blockchain followed with about 30% of transactions, while Ethereum was used for roughly 6%. 🎖️ Interestingly, 11 manufacturers were responsible for over 70% of all crypto-denominated sales of drug precursors. These manufacturers receive funds from unhosted wallets, cryptocurrency exchanges, and payment services, with their wallets most commonly hosted at exchanges. 💼 Despite the crypto preference, Chinese manufacturers also accept fiat currencies through platforms like PayPal, MoneyGram, Western Union, and traditional bank transfers. 🏦 The report also revealed that these manufacturers mainly target countries including Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, and the United States. Advertisements have also been directed towards Russia and neighboring countries, particularly for mephedrone precursors. 🌍 In a related note, a U.S. congressional committee recently reported that the root cause of the U.S. fentanyl crisis lies in China, which manufactures over 97% of the precursors used in the global illicit fentanyl trade. 🚨 So, while the world grapples with the implications of this, one thing's for sure - Bitcoin's popularity is soaring, and it's not slowing down anytime soon! 🚀


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