Binance Square
Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE
减半后预计会出现大量比特币流出💰💥 一位分析师预测,减半后的几个月内,矿工将大量流失 #Bitcoin 名矿工,与过去的周期类似。 计算表明,矿工可能会在减半后抛售价值 50 亿美元的 BTC,这可能会像历史上那样在 4-6 个月内对价格造成压力。 分析师表示,这种情况可能对加密货币市场构成重大挑战,类似于为期六个月的“夏季”衰退。 在 2020 年减半之后,比特币的交易价格在 9,000 美元至 11,500 美元之间持续了五个月,这表明减半后 10 月之前可能会出现横盘趋势。 矿工通常会在减半前囤积 BTC,导致供需失衡和价格上涨。这种模式在 2024 年重演,BTC 达到 73,734 美元,然后在 4 月中旬跌破 63,000 美元。 山寨币可能首当其冲,在市场动荡中仍低于 2021 年的高点。 主要矿工 Marathon Digital 可能会在减半后将日产量减半,从而影响市场动态。 分析师警告说,如果所有矿工都在减半后效仿抛售,每天 1.04 亿美元的 BTC 销售可能会扭转减半前推高价格的供需失衡。 与 Mende 教授保持联系 #bitcoinhalving #btc #SHIB #HotTrens


一位分析师预测,减半后的几个月内,矿工将大量流失 #Bitcoin 名矿工,与过去的周期类似。

计算表明,矿工可能会在减半后抛售价值 50 亿美元的 BTC,这可能会像历史上那样在 4-6 个月内对价格造成压力。


在 2020 年减半之后,比特币的交易价格在 9,000 美元至 11,500 美元之间持续了五个月,这表明减半后 10 月之前可能会出现横盘趋势。

矿工通常会在减半前囤积 BTC,导致供需失衡和价格上涨。这种模式在 2024 年重演,BTC 达到 73,734 美元,然后在 4 月中旬跌破 63,000 美元。

山寨币可能首当其冲,在市场动荡中仍低于 2021 年的高点。

主要矿工 Marathon Digital 可能会在减半后将日产量减半,从而影响市场动态。

分析师警告说,如果所有矿工都在减半后效仿抛售,每天 1.04 亿美元的 BTC 销售可能会扭转减半前推高价格的供需失衡。

与 Mende 教授保持联系

#bitcoinhalving #btc #SHIB #HotTrens

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🚨 GRAYSCALE DROPS ETHEREUM SPOT ETF APPLICATION 🚨 😱 In a surprising twist, Grayscale, the titan of crypto asset management, has suddenly withdrawn its #Ethereum spot ETF application, leaving the market in a frenzy of speculation and discussions. So, what's the deal? Let's dig into the possible reasons behind this unexpected move. 🔒 REASON #1: SEC'S TOUGH STANCE 🔒 🕵 The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is notorious for its strict oversight of the cryptocurrency market, especially when it comes to granting approval for spot ETFs. Grayscale, feeling the pressure from the regulatory giant, might have decided to hit the brakes and give themselves some breathing room. 💥 REASON #2: UNSTABLE MARKET 📉 📈 Ethereum's price has been on a rollercoaster ride lately, experiencing wild swings that can make even the bravest investor's heart skip a beat. Grayscale may have deemed the current market sentiment too shaky for the launch of a spot ETF. After all, who wants to jump in on a wild ride? 🔐 REASON #3: TECHNICAL AND COMPLIANCE HURDLES 🔐 💼 Custody and Liquidity Troubles: Spot ETFs require top-tier asset security and liquidity. Grayscale might be facing some technical and compliance challenges in providing secure custody and ensuring sufficient market liquidity, making it difficult for them to meet the SEC's rigorous standards. ⚖ Market Manipulation Prevention: The SEC is hell-bent on preventing any shady market manipulation, and Grayscale may still be fine-tuning their monitoring and compliance mechanisms to meet the high bars set by the commission. They don't want any monkey business! REASON #4: INTERNAL STRATEGIC SHIFT 💡 📊 Grayscale is currently rocking the crypto world with its popular cryptocurrency trust products. This withdrawal could signal a moment of introspection and a reevaluation of the balance between spot #eth ETFs and their existing trust products. It's like they're taking a step back to assess the best way forward. Smart move, #Grayscale ! Stay alert, Professor Mende #etf $ETH
🚀 DOGECOIN'S CREATOR BREAKS SILENCE: NO "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" 🔥 The founder of the popular meme cryptocurrency, Billy Markus, has dashed hopes of a "big announcement" for DOGE. Despite the buzz on social media, Markus has made it clear that he is no longer involved with the project. Talk about a plot twist! 😲 But here's where things get interesting - even without any major updates, Dogecoin's value has surged by a whopping 4.5% in recent days. That's right, folks, we're seeing some bullish momentum happening. The question on everyone's minds is, what could be causing this sudden surge? 📈 🔦 Theories are flying left and right, and they range from Tesla potentially integrating Dogecoin as a payment option to speculation about Elon Musk's ventures jumping aboard the DOGE train. It's like a puzzle waiting to be solved! 🧩 A DOGECOIN PRICE EXPLOSION ?? 💥 Dogecoin's price has been soaring to new heights! In just a matter of days, DOGE has experienced a jaw-dropping 30% increase, reaching a peak of $0.16832. Talk about shooting for the moon! 🌙 It's fascinating how the crypto world works, isn't it? No news from the creator, but the prices go wild. But hey, that's what makes it so thrilling and unpredictable! 💫 Now, regarding the catalyst behind this surge, we can only speculate. Will it be Tesla accepting Dogecoin as a payment method? Or perhaps Elon Musk secretly planting the DOGE flag in one of his ventures? Who knows? The crypto world is full of surprises! 🤷‍♂️ So, my fellow crypto enthusiasts, buckle up and enjoy the ride. Dogecoin continues to prove that it's no joke. 🐶💪 In my humble opinion, the market is always full of surprises. Dogecoin's unexpected surge just goes to show that anything can happen in the world of crypto. So, keep your eyes peeled and stay tuned for the next twist in the Dogecoin saga. Happy trading! 💰💎 -Professor Mende out! #doge $DOGE #dogecoin #elon #memecoin
🛑 SCAM ALERT! Elon Musk strikes again! 🛑 😂 In a recent tweet, he recommended investing in Argentina, and guess what happened? Some clever developers created a token called "Argentina"! 🤣 I mean, we've seen people make tokens based on Musk's tweets before, but this one takes the cake! So here's the scoop: the project currently has a market cap of over $560,000 and has pumped more than 10,000%. 📈 Now, let's take a moment to reflect. What do you do when you come across projects like this? It's pretty obvious: RUN! 💨 These tokens have no real utility or backing, and they're in no way connected or affiliated with Argentina. We're living in a wild era of cryptocurrency, my friends. Everyone is scrambling to create their own tokens and dump them on unsuspecting followers. It's like a scramble for the last piece of 🍰 at a buffet! So, I urge you all to be cautious out there. Remember, not every opportunity that comes knocking is legit. Take a step back, do your research, and don't get caught up in the hype. The creativity of scammers in the crypto world never ceases to amaze me. While it's amusing to see these token creations based on Elon Musk's tweets, it's also a stark reminder to be cautious and do thorough research before investing in any project. Don't let FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) blind you from potential scams. Stay vigilant and invest responsibly! 😎🚀 Stafe safe with @Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE #scamalert #elonmusk #btc -#bullorbear #argentina $BTC $ETH $BNB




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