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《金钱心理学》一书中的 7 个有力教训 1. 财富不是数字:与其追逐具体的金额,不如专注于建立一种安全感、自由感和对生活的掌控感。真正的财富在于拥有足够的钱来舒适地生活并追求自己的热情,而不必担心财务问题。 2.时间是你最宝贵的资产:复利是一个强大的工具,但它需要时间来发挥魔力。尽早开始、持续投资、让资金缓慢稳定成长是建立长期财富的关键。不要低估耐心的力量! 3. 风险无所不在:这不仅与投资有关。您所做的每个决定都涉及一定程度的风险。学习冷静、理性地处理它,不要让恐惧让你瘫痪。请记住,经过计算的风险可以带来丰厚的回报。 4.贪婪和恐惧是你的敌人:贪婪会导致冒险的决定,而恐惧会阻止你采取必要的步骤。学习辨识和管理这些情绪,以做出合理的财务选择。警惕快速致富的计划和因害怕错过而做出的冲动决定。 5. 幸福与经济上的成功不同:金钱可以买到舒适,但不能保证幸福。在人际关系、经历和个人成长中寻找快乐,而不仅仅是在银行帐户中。真正的幸福来自内心,而不是外在的认可。 6.未来的你是个陌生人:你的优先事项和需求会随著时间的推移而改变。做出对未来的自己有利的决定,即使它们现在看起来不方便。投资您的健康、教育和技能,以建立安全和充实的未来。 7. 运气的作用比你想像的还要大:有些人会得到幸运的突破,而有些人则面临意想不到的挑战。接受生活并不总是公平的事实,并专注于你可以控制的事情:你的选择和你的态度。韧性和适应性是应对生活不确定性的关键。 #Write2Earn

《金钱心理学》一书中的 7 个有力教训

1. 财富不是数字:与其追逐具体的金额,不如专注于建立一种安全感、自由感和对生活的掌控感。真正的财富在于拥有足够的钱来舒适地生活并追求自己的热情,而不必担心财务问题。


3. 风险无所不在:这不仅与投资有关。您所做的每个决定都涉及一定程度的风险。学习冷静、理性地处理它,不要让恐惧让你瘫痪。请记住,经过计算的风险可以带来丰厚的回报。


5. 幸福与经济上的成功不同:金钱可以买到舒适,但不能保证幸福。在人际关系、经历和个人成长中寻找快乐,而不仅仅是在银行帐户中。真正的幸福来自内心,而不是外在的认可。


7. 运气的作用比你想像的还要大:有些人会得到幸运的突破,而有些人则面临意想不到的挑战。接受生活并不总是公平的事实,并专注于你可以控制的事情:你的选择和你的态度。韧性和适应性是应对生活不确定性的关键。


免责声明:含第三方内容,不构成财务建议,并且可能包含赞助内容。 详见《条款和条件》。
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CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE: 1. Your thoughts create your reality. The way you think about yourself, your life, and the world around you determines your success and happiness. If you believe you can achieve something, you are more likely to make the effort and take the necessary steps to achieve it. 2. You have the power to change your thoughts. You may not be able to control everything that happens to you, but you can control the way you think about it. Choose to focus on the positive aspects of your life and the things you want to achieve, rather than dwelling on the negative. 3. Your beliefs are the software that runs your mind. Your beliefs are the underlying assumptions you have about yourself and the world. If your beliefs are limiting, they will hold you back from achieving your full potential. Identify and challenge your limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. 4. You can reprogram your mind for success. Just like a computer, your mind can be reprogrammed. You can learn to think more positively and productively by using techniques such as visualization, affirmation, and meditation. 5. Set clear goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve in life? Once you know what you want, you can start to make a plan to get it. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to help you stay focused and motivated. 6. Focus on your strengths. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your strengths and leverage them to achieve your goals. Don't waste your time trying to overcome your weaknesses. 7. Take massive action. Don't just sit around and think about what you want to do. Take action. The more action you take, the faster you will achieve your goals. #CryptoMotivation
Here are 7 lessons on why the rich are getting richer. 1. The power of compound interest: Compound interest is the magical force that allows the rich to get richer. It's the idea that when you earn interest on your money, you also earn interest on the interest you've already earned. This means that your money has the potential to grow exponentially over time. 2. The rich invest in assets: The rich don't just hoard their money; they invest it in assets that appreciate in value. This could include stocks, bonds, real estate, or other investments. By investing their money wisely, the rich can grow their wealth much faster than if they simply kept it in a bank account. 3. The rich live below their means: Contrary to popular belief, the rich aren't constantly spending money on luxury items. In fact, many of the richest people in the world live relatively modest lifestyles. They spend less than they earn and invest the rest, which allows their wealth to compound over time. 4. The rich take advantage of tax breaks: The rich have access to tax breaks and loopholes that the average person doesn't. They can use these advantages to reduce their tax liability and keep more of their money. 5. The rich have multiple streams of income: The rich don't rely on a single source of income. They often have multiple streams, such as a job, investments, or a business. This diversification can provide them with a safety net and help them weather financial storms. 6. The rich are risk-takers: The rich are not afraid to take risks. They understand that risk is often associated with great rewards. They're willing to put their money into new ventures, invest in emerging markets, and even start their own businesses. 7. The rich never give up: The rich are never satisfied with their current level of success. They're constantly striving to improve and grow their wealth. They're also very persistent and resilient, never giving up on their goals even in the face of setbacks.




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