Binance Square
Binance Feed的「给予提示」功能已启动:立即支援您最爱的内容创作者! 加密货币爱好者的社群媒体平台 Binance Feed 已启动其「给予提示」功能。这允许用户透过每个 Feed 贴文向他们发送加密货币来支持他们最喜欢的内容创作者。 要给内容创作者小费,只需点击每个 Feed 内容下方的「小费」图标,然后选择您想要小费的加密货币金额。您可以给任意金额的小费,并且给创作者小费的次数没有限制。 这项新功能是向与社群分享有价值的资讯和见解的内容创作者表示赞赏的好方法。它也为创作者提供了一种透过内容获利的新方式。 以下是使用「给予提示」功能的一些好处: 支持您最喜欢的内容创作者:透过向制作高品质内容的创作者发送提示来表达您对他们的赞赏。 帮助创作者扩大受众:当创作者能够透过其内容获利时,他们更有可能继续创作并与社群分享有价值的资讯。 创造一个更有活力和更参与的社群:当使用者感受到支持时,他们更有可能参与社群并分享自己的见解和经验。 要开始给您最喜爱的内容创作者打赏,只需将您的币安应用程式更新到最新版本并访问币安动态即可。 例子: John 是 Binance Feed 的常规用户,他喜欢阅读该平台上许多才华横溢的内容创作者分享的教育文章和分析文章。有一天,他注意到他最喜欢的创作者的帖子之一下面出现了一个新的「提示」图示。他点击图标并选择给创作者 1 BNB 的小费。 创作者感谢约翰的小费,他利用这些资金继续为社区创作高品质的内容。约翰很高兴支持他最喜欢的创作者,他知道他的建议有助于在 Binance Feed 上创造一个更充满活力和更参与的社群。 #crypto2023 #BinanceFeed

Binance Feed的「给予提示」功能已启动:立即支援您最爱的内容创作者!

加密货币爱好者的社群媒体平台 Binance Feed 已启动其「给予提示」功能。这允许用户透过每个 Feed 贴文向他们发送加密货币来支持他们最喜欢的内容创作者。

要给内容创作者小费,只需点击每个 Feed 内容下方的「小费」图标,然后选择您想要小费的加密货币金额。您可以给任意金额的小费,并且给创作者小费的次数没有限制。








John 是 Binance Feed 的常规用户,他喜欢阅读该平台上许多才华横溢的内容创作者分享的教育文章和分析文章。有一天,他注意到他最喜欢的创作者的帖子之一下面出现了一个新的「提示」图示。他点击图标并选择给创作者 1 BNB 的小费。

创作者感谢约翰的小费,他利用这些资金继续为社区创作高品质的内容。约翰很高兴支持他最喜欢的创作者,他知道他的建议有助于在 Binance Feed 上创造一个更充满活力和更参与的社群。

#crypto2023 #BinanceFeed

免责声明:含第三方内容,不构成财务建议,并且可能包含赞助内容。 详见《条款和条件》。
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Don't Chase Losses, Consider New Opportunities: Exploring $OZONE ✨ Recent market dips can be a real bummer Especially if you've seen your portfolio value drop. While it's tempting to chase those losses and go all-in on the next "moonshot," it's often a recipe for more trouble ️. This article explores a different approach: taking advantage of new, potentially high-growth opportunities . Let's discuss why chasing losses might not be the best strategy and introduce $OZONE, a project within the intriguing Ozone metaverse . Why Chasing Losses Can Be Risky Markets are cyclical, and rebounds are inevitable. But focusing solely on recouping immediate losses can cloud your judgment and lead to impulsive decisions ⚡. You might end up investing in volatile assets with little long-term potential, simply because they offer the possibility of quick gains (which more often than not, ends up in tears ). Exploring New Horizons: $OZONE and the Metaverse Instead of dwelling on losses, consider strategically allocating some capital towards promising new projects ✨. One such project to explore is $OZONE, the token associated with the Ozone metaverse. The metaverse is a rapidly developing virtual world concept, with the potential to revolutionize how we interact, work, and play . $OZONE could be a player in this exciting new space, especially if the project's roadmap proves to be innovative and well-executed . Key Points to Consider Low Market Cap (think: hidden gem!). New Roadmap recently released (This could be HUGE! ). **Remember:** ⚠️ This is not financial advice. Do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency project, including $OZONE. Consider the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market and only invest what you can afford to lose . By taking a measured approach and exploring promising new opportunities, you can position yourself for potential gains when the market recovers . #CryptocurrencyAlert #Metaverse #OZONE #DYOR!! #bitcoinhalving ✨
Dive into the Ozone Metaverse with Binance Web3 Wallet ✨ The Ozone Metaverse is a burgeoning platform that's pioneering the intersection of art and virtual reality. Its native token, Ozone (OZONE), fuels this artistic ecosystem. If you're eager to join this creative frontier, this guide will walk you through acquiring OZONE using the Binance Web3 wallet feature. #ozonemetaverse #Metaverse #CryptoApril Before We Begin: A Crucial Note As of today, April 3rd, 2024, OZONE isn't directly tradable on Binance. However, fret not! We'll explore how to leverage Binance for the first leg of your OZONE acquisition journey, utilizing a decentralized exchange (DEX). Bridge Funds - From Binance to Your Wallet With BNB secured in your Binance account, it's time to transfer them to your Trust Wallet. Navigate the Binance interface to locate the "Withdraw" function for BNB and select your Trust Wallet address as the recipient. Choose Your DEX - A Launchpad for OZONE Now, it's time to find a DEX that supports OZONE trading. Conduct some research to identify reputable DEXs with a good track record. Websites like CoinMarketCap can aid your search by listing exchanges where OZONE is actively traded. Connect Your Wallet - Unleash the Web3 Power Within your chosen DEX, locate the "Connect Wallet" option and follow the prompts to seamlessly integrate your Trust Wallet using the Web3 functionality. Trade Time - BNB/ USDT to OZONE You're almost there! With your wallet connected, navigate the DEX's trading interface. Select BNB or USDT as your sending currency and OZONE as the desired token. Specify the amount of OZONE you wish to acquire and confirm the trade. Congratulations! You Now Own a Piece of the Ozone Metaverse With a successful trade, your Trust Wallet will now hold your precious OZONE tokens. Welcome to the Ozone Metaverse! Remember, the cryptocurrency market can be volatile, so always conduct thorough research before making any investments. #Web3!💬 #BinanceSquare $OZONE


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