Binance Square
未来交易者能赚多少钱? 期货交易者的收入可能因多种因素而有很大差异,包括经验、技能水平、交易策略、风险管理、市场状况以及他们可支配的资金。期货交易涉及很大程度的风险,且回报不得到保证。以下是潜在收入的细分: 新手交易者:初学者最初可能会遭受损失或赚取微薄的利润。专注于学习、完善策略和累积经验至关重要。 中级交易者:随著交易者获得经验并制定更有效的策略,他们可以瞄准更稳定的利润。每月收入可能从几百到几千美元不等。 经验丰富的交易者:经过多年磨练技能的经验丰富的交易者有可能赚取更丰厚的利润。他们每月可能会产生数千至数万美元的收入。 专业交易者:拥有成功记录和大量资本的专业人士可能会赚取可观的利润,有时每年可达数十万甚至数百万美元。 机构交易者:为金融机构、对冲基金或自营交易公司工作的交易者可以获得可观的薪水、奖金,并分享其交易活动产生的利润。 您属于哪一类交易? #opbnb #ETH #Layer2









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I turned $1k into $70k by predicting few narratives right last bull run. Predicting narratives on bull run leads to 100-1000x gains! Here are 10 narratives & 30 tokens with 1000x potential in 2024 🧵👇 GameFi ✧ Metaverses & P2E games were the hottest topic in late '21 when bull market peaked; that said, it can easily come back ✧ Moreover, a lot of Tier 1 VCs placed big bets on GameFi this year, and they will definitely want to shill their bags. ✰ 3 potential tokens: ✧ $AMO ✧ $LITT ✧ $MAGIC 2➡️RWA ✧ I bet on that narrative due to rising talks on tokenization among financial entities. Even SEC discuss regarding regulation of this sector ✧ The convergence of traditional finance and blockchain sets the stage for RWA as focal point in 2024 ✰ 3 potential tokens: ✧ $SMT ✧ $ACQ ✧$LEOX 3/➮ AI ✧ AI could dominate in 2024 as ChatGPT fuels interest. Past AI stock/crypto rallies hint at speculative fervor. ✧ Public interest may propel AI coins, even without products. A potential correlation with AI stock rally could amplify speculation. ✰ 3 potential tokens: ✧$RNDR ✧$AGI ✧ $ARK 4➮ L2 blockchains ✧ During last bull market, I personally missed EVM-compatible networks with low gas fees ✧ Now, there's a solution, and I'm confident they'll shine in next bull run, especially with consistently high gas. My special bet: zk-rollups. ✰ 3 potential tokens: ✧$ARB ➮ Next 2 projects haven't launched token yet, but I'm already placing big bet on them: ✧ $ZKS ✧$TARKNET(ARB) 7/➮ Degen Memecoins ✧ You can criticize meme coins, or u can acknowledge their highest upside in bull market ✧ Moreover, recent shift in meta has made old-format coins like $DOGE & $FLOKI outdated. It's time for coins with different, more degen vibe ✰ 3 promising tokens: ✧LADYS ✧ $BAG * $FLY Make sure you don’t miss upcoming posts and don’t forget to follow me for more updates #BTC #safu #BinanceTournament
Common Ways to earn passive income with cryptocurrency Want to know how to grow your cryptocurrency earnings with minimal efforts? Trading is one way to make money in the cryptocurrency industry. However, making profits from buying low and selling high is definitely not a wise strategy for amateur investors like you and me. Despite spending countless hours learning the ins and outs of trading cryptocurrencies, keeping up with everything that happens in the rapidly evolving crypto market, there’s no guarantee you’re going to make a healthy return. You can combine a few methods to build multiple automatically-recurring revenue streams like : Yield Farming: Stake Your Crypto Earn APY: Lending out your cryptocurrency for interest is completely passive. It’s suitable for long-term investors who’re committed to holding their crypto and want to increase their crypto holdings without extra effort. Staking: HODL in an online wallet to Earn Rewards Staking is a straightforward and simple way to earn rewards. Simply hold the cryptocurrency in your wallet and you’ll be rewarded for doing it. If you don’t already know, Staking is a process of storing funds in a crypto wallet to support the operation and maintain the security of a blockchain network. Running Masternode: Host a Dedicated Server to Earn Rewards. If you’re a techie who’s serious about staking, you may consider running masternodes of cryptocurrencies. Masternode is basically a cryptocurrency full node or computer wallet that stores the entire copy of the blockchain’s ledger in real-time. By keeping your wallet up and running 24/7 to maintain network stability and perform tasks, you’ll receive crypto as a reward. Mining Unlike staking, mining doesn’t require you to have cryptocurrency holdings. By mining, you can earn Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that use a proof-of-work system -without having to put down money for it.As a miner, you will receive Bitcoin as a reward for verifying transactions on the blockchain. You can support by tip if you enjoyed reading this article #bnbburn




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