Binance Square
🔍 Mysterious Movement: 15,000 ETH from FTX's $600M Attack Now Moved Through Privacy Tools & Bridges 🌉 - In November 2022, FTX's wallets were attacked, with $600 million drained, including 15,000 ether (ETH) in a single wallet. - Recently, the first tranche of 2,500 ETH ($4 million) began moving, ending up at the Thorchain bridge, Railgun privacy wallet, or intermediary addresses. - The remaining funds have now moved, with many landing at the Thorchain router and some going to a contract labeled "Metamask: Swap Router." - Railgun is a privacy wallet for decentralized financial services, while Thorchain is a bridge for swapping tokens between different blockchains. - The moving funds deepen the ongoing mystery around FTX's collapse last year, as the identity of the attacker(s) remains unknown. What are your thoughts on this mysterious movement of funds? Share your insights in the comments below! 💭

🔍 Mysterious Movement: 15,000 ETH from FTX's $600M Attack Now Moved Through Privacy Tools & Bridges 🌉

- In November 2022, FTX's wallets were attacked, with $600 million drained, including 15,000 ether (ETH) in a single wallet.

- Recently, the first tranche of 2,500 ETH ($4 million) began moving, ending up at the Thorchain bridge, Railgun privacy wallet, or intermediary addresses.

- The remaining funds have now moved, with many landing at the Thorchain router and some going to a contract labeled "Metamask: Swap Router."

- Railgun is a privacy wallet for decentralized financial services, while Thorchain is a bridge for swapping tokens between different blockchains.

- The moving funds deepen the ongoing mystery around FTX's collapse last year, as the identity of the attacker(s) remains unknown.

What are your thoughts on this mysterious movement of funds? Share your insights in the comments below! 💭

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