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Jerome Powell a făcut o declarație neașteptată, iată cum reacționează CryptoU.Today - Recentul președintelui Rezervei Federale, Jerome Powell, a stârnit o discuție destul de mare, nu doar pe piețele financiare tradiționale, ci și în cadrul ecosistemului cripto. Într-o adresă neprevăzută, Powell a sugerat potențialul băncii centrale de a întrerupe seria extinsă de creșteri ale ratei dobânzii, în funcție de continuarea progreselor recente ale inflației. Deși cunoștințele sale s-au îndreptat în primul rând către randamentele trezoreriei pe termen lung, implicațiile pentru criptomoneda, inclusiv Bitcoin și alte active digitale, sunt demne de remarcat.

Jerome Powell a făcut o declarație neașteptată, iată cum reacționează Crypto

U.Today - Recentul președintelui Rezervei Federale, Jerome Powell, a stârnit o discuție destul de mare, nu doar pe piețele financiare tradiționale, ci și în cadrul ecosistemului cripto. Într-o adresă neprevăzută, Powell a sugerat potențialul băncii centrale de a întrerupe seria extinsă de creșteri ale ratei dobânzii, în funcție de continuarea progreselor recente ale inflației. Deși cunoștințele sale s-au îndreptat în primul rând către randamentele trezoreriei pe termen lung, implicațiile pentru criptomoneda, inclusiv Bitcoin și alte active digitale, sunt demne de remarcat.
What is a PEPE Coin and How Does it Work? 🐸PEPE coin is just like another meme coin which does not hold any fundamental and intrinsic value and has no utility. In fact, it is regarded as the most “memeable” meme coin built on the Ethereum blockchain and works as an ERC token." 🐸PEPE coin does not have a formal team or any roadmap. It has been just casually created as a tribute to popular internet meme character known as “PEPE the Frog” which gained popularity in the early 2000s.  Even with no fundamentals, 🐸PEPE has been able to enter the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap in just two weeks of its launch and presently ranking at number 70 position as per crypto website CoinMarketCap. PEPE coin first started trading on April 15, 2023 at a price of around $0.000000001 and now one 🐸PEPE coin is equivalent to $ 0.0000014, at the time of writing." According to 🐸PEPE’s official website, “🐸PEPE is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. The coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.” On the contrary, 🐸PEPE has been designed to capitalize on the popularity of meme coins such as Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and others. That’s why 🐸PEPE coin is much like Doegcoin and Shiba Inu, the only difference is that the latter are dog-based coins and 🐸PEPE is a frog-based one. "🐸PEPE Coin uses a deflationary mechanism in which a small percentage of tokens gets burnt with each transaction. This mechanism helps to create scarcity and also increase the value of the left tokens over a period of time. Moreover, it uses a redistribution system in which a portion of every transaction is shared amongst the existing token holders which helps them to gather user engagement and long-term investments." #pepecoin #ftx #pepe #crypto2023 #Binance

What is a PEPE Coin and How Does it Work? 

🐸PEPE coin is just like another meme coin which does not hold any fundamental and intrinsic value and has no utility. In fact, it is regarded as the most “memeable” meme coin built on the Ethereum blockchain and works as an ERC token."
🐸PEPE coin does not have a formal team or any roadmap. It has been just casually created as a tribute to popular internet meme character known as “PEPE the Frog” which gained popularity in the early 2000s. 
Even with no fundamentals, 🐸PEPE has been able to enter the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap in just two weeks of its launch and presently ranking at number 70 position as per crypto website CoinMarketCap. PEPE coin first started trading on April 15, 2023 at a price of around $0.000000001 and now one 🐸PEPE coin is equivalent to $ 0.0000014, at the time of writing."
According to 🐸PEPE’s official website, “🐸PEPE is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. The coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.”
On the contrary, 🐸PEPE has been designed to capitalize on the popularity of meme coins such as Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and others. That’s why 🐸PEPE coin is much like Doegcoin and Shiba Inu, the only difference is that the latter are dog-based coins and 🐸PEPE is a frog-based one.
"🐸PEPE Coin uses a deflationary mechanism in which a small percentage of tokens gets burnt with each transaction. This mechanism helps to create scarcity and also increase the value of the left tokens over a period of time.
Moreover, it uses a redistribution system in which a portion of every transaction is shared amongst the existing token holders which helps them to gather user engagement and long-term investments."
#pepecoin #ftx #pepe #crypto2023 #Binance
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Cadrul de impozitare criptografic al Indiei: Cum se descurcă la nivel global?„Proeminența #Layer2 a Web3 este un indicator clar al potențialului său de transformare, evidențiind capacitatea sa de a aduce schimbări semnificative. Ca orice tehnologie emergentă, obținerea unui echilibru între stimularea inovației și asigurarea stabilității financiare este, prin urmare, de o importanță capitală. Având în vedere acest lucru, integrarea peisajului în evoluție al activelor digitale virtuale (VDA) într-un sistem fiscal bine structurat este un aspect cheie, indiferent de modul în care se desfășoară peisajul VDA."🤔🤔 " Cadrul fiscal al Indiei și intenția din spatele acestuia

Cadrul de impozitare criptografic al Indiei: Cum se descurcă la nivel global?

„Proeminența #Layer2 a Web3 este un indicator clar al potențialului său de transformare, evidențiind capacitatea sa de a aduce schimbări semnificative. Ca orice tehnologie emergentă, obținerea unui echilibru între stimularea inovației și asigurarea stabilității financiare este, prin urmare, de o importanță capitală. Având în vedere acest lucru, integrarea peisajului în evoluție al activelor digitale virtuale (VDA) într-un sistem fiscal bine structurat este un aspect cheie, indiferent de modul în care se desfășoară peisajul VDA."🤔🤔
Cadrul fiscal al Indiei și intenția din spatele acestuia
WHAT DO YOU THINK???? $BTC Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are delivering strong performance. While the rest of the global markets continue to decline, Bitcoin remains in its own lane, holding steady. If Bitcoin breaks and surpasses the 28,500$ range, no one can stop it anymore. If it falls below $26,000, it means it will continue to hover around the $24,000 range #CryptoTalks #DeFiChallenge #BTC


$BTC  Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are delivering strong performance. While the rest of the global markets continue to decline, Bitcoin remains in its own lane, holding steady. If Bitcoin breaks and surpasses the 28,500$ range, no one can stop it anymore. If it falls below $26,000, it means it will continue to hover around the $24,000 range
#CryptoTalks #DeFiChallenge #BTC
What do you think btc downfall started 🤔??

What do you think

btc downfall started 🤔??
Bitcoin surges above $27,600; Toncoin, Polygon shed up to 3%"Bitcoin has been trading around the $27,700 level, possibly because of traditional markets calming down following a cooling US labor market," Edul Patel, CEO of Mudrex, said. Ahead of the official US Non-farm payroll data this Friday, September's US Private Payroll data indicated a rise of 89,000 jobs instead of the projected 153,000 jobs #BTC "The total volume in DeFi is currently $2.56 billion😱 10.62% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. The volume of all stablecoins is now 😱$22.43 billion, which is 93.07% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. #crypto2023 #trading #crypto #CryptoTradingBots

Bitcoin surges above $27,600; Toncoin, Polygon shed up to 3%

"Bitcoin has been trading around the $27,700 level, possibly because of traditional markets calming down following a cooling US labor market," Edul Patel, CEO of Mudrex, said.

Ahead of the official US Non-farm payroll data this Friday, September's US Private Payroll data indicated a rise of 89,000 jobs instead of the projected 153,000 jobs #BTC
"The total volume in DeFi is currently $2.56 billion😱 10.62% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. The volume of all stablecoins is now 😱$22.43 billion, which is 93.07% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. #crypto2023
#trading #crypto #CryptoTradingBots
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