Presidential candidate Javier Milei of Argentina boldly revealed a plan to implement dollarization of Argentina’s economy at the current market rates.

With a strategic campaign plan aimed at eradicating inflation, Milei believes the nation has the necessary resources for this ambitious move. Confidential agreements with undisclosed parties are already in place to provide the liquidity required to close the Central Bank of Argentina.

Dollarization as the panacea to inflation

Milei, a liberal economist with his sights set on the presidency, aims to transform Argentina’s economy by replacing the nation’s currency with the US dollar. Despite facing backlash from critics, Milei continues to promote dollarization as the solution to Argentina’s persistent inflation problem.

His unwavering stance rests on securing the dollars necessary for this shift. With these funds, Milei and his team believe they can withdraw all Argentine pesos from circulation, effectively closing the Central Bank of Argentina.

This move symbolizes the culmination of the economist’s long-held vision for a stable economy, free from the chains of inflation.

Funds needed for Argentina’s dollarization

In the face of negative press and continued opposition, Milei has not only secured the funds necessary to make his vision a reality but also double the amount required.

This surplus, he suggests, is a testament to his commitment and the feasibility of his plan. However, he remains tight-lipped about his fund sources, referring only to an agreement with undisclosed third parties.

Addressing skeptics who deem dollarization impossible, Milei insists that they have overestimated the funds required for the transition. He recalls early criticisms suggesting dollarization would require $70 billion, later revised to $50 billion and now approximately $35 billion.

Milei, however, sees these shrinking estimates as validation of his conviction that dollarization is not only feasible but also imminent.

As part of the groundwork for his dollarization plan, Milei is also crafting a legislative proposal for consideration by the Argentine congress.

His initial proposal necessitated a two-and-a-half-year implementation period, but his team is now working on a quicker roll-out plan for newer dollarization formats.

Challenges and criticism

Despite Milei’s optimism, his plan faces intense scrutiny from all sides of the political landscape. His detractors argue that the dollarization proposal, while potentially a solution to the current inflation and devaluation crisis, is unfeasible given Argentina’s current economic conditions.

Milei’s polling numbers have also taken a hit, following the announcement by economy minister Sergio Massa that he would be joining the presidential race. Massa, a dominant player in Argentina’s current economic administration, poses a significant threat to Milei’s presidential bid.

However, the ambitious economist remains steadfast in his commitment to a dollarized Argentina. As he continues his political journey, his robust plan and its potential to redefine Argentina’s economic landscape will undoubtedly be a crucial talking point in the months to come.

Whether Argentina’s electorate will buy into Milei’s vision of a dollarized future remains to be seen.