What's up Feed fam!
Welcome to the newest episode of the #ALEO Pulse, your one-stop hub for all things on ALEO😎
Here we go🚀
3️⃣ Usages on snarkVM and AleoPM
➡️To make things simple, SnarkVM is the virtual machine that allows Zero-Knowledge Executions, exactly performing the functionality of the EVM(Ethereum Virtual Machine) but in zk😉
Its functionality is to perform the following vital factors on the Aleo blockchain👇
1️⃣Privacy in its best
🔵SnarkVM leverages something called zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments-of-knowledge), which is cutting-edge technology based on cryptography.
These SNARks make sure that the information such as smart contracts and transactions stays private.
2️⃣Improving UX
🔵Thanks to snarkVm's infinite scalability, developers can execute smart contracts and perform transactions on the blockchains, with zero latency🤯due to its newest sister component off-chain computation😎
3️⃣Enabling Cross-chain Functionality
🔵SnarkVM is designed to perform cross-chain functionality, which allows seamless integration with other compatible blockchains.
Imagine using a bridge to transfer assets without breaching privacy🤗
That's where Aleo becomes a crucial component on Web3☀️
4️⃣Usage of Turing-Completeness
🔵SnarkVM is known to be a Turing complete VM, which enables it to conduct massive and highly complex computations within a matter of seconds.
🔵This is very useful in terms of a privacy blockchain, where zkSNARKs will also be leveraging this computational approach to fuel smart contracts.
The SnarkVM Consists of the following components👇
1️⃣Instruction Set --> Built on top of R1CS, a zk Language. This component verifies correctness via ZK Proofs.
2️⃣Execution Engine --> The most crucial component in SnarkVM. As the name suggests it executes smart contracts on the Aleo blockchain.
3️⃣Memory Manager --> Conducts the functionality of memory management through garbage collection and stack allocation within SnarkVM.
4️⃣Code Generator -->This is where high-level snark programs are converted into the snarkVM Instruction Set.
5️⃣Core Library --> This section consists of the crucial components of the snarkVM repository such as data structures, hashing algorithms etc.
Now, we head to Aleo PM🫡
➡️This is the equivalent of crates in Rust and NPM Packages in Node.
➡️Aleo PM stands for Aleo Package Manager is the OG registry for ZK circuits, which are useful components that add functionality for ZK dApps built on top of Aleo.
For Instance here's how a package is installed,
In rust --> cargo add serde is used to install the serde crate into a project.
In leo --> leo add justice-league/u8u32 is used to install the justice-league package.
In conclusion,
➡️SnarkOS is the EVM equivalent in the Aleo Blockchain.
➡️AleoPM is the package registry that consists of different components that can be used to add new functionality to smart contracts written on top of Leo Language.
That's all for today!
See ya tomorrow, with the next episode, Unleashing the Beast of zk | Aleo Studio🫡