Binance Square
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Juliana rabia Deniken
TAKİP eden herkese 1 usd hediye var takip et beğen paylaş
@AnthonyCarr #BinanceSquare #TrendingTopic #TradeNTell $BTC $BNB $SOL
Comparte tus feed y aumenta tus usuarios en Binance. Es tiempo de hacer crecer con tus estrategias en cryptos y tener la oportunidad de ganar 1 BNB 💸 , Rising Stars 🤩🚀🚀

GifBox for always Online my Binance Square
perfect project
perfect project

☕....El precio de BNB es de $303.14 USDT.

¿Qué es BNB?

☕...BNB, también conocido como la moneda de Binance , es el token criptográfico nativo del exchange de criptomonedas Binance.

☕...En medio de la transición de token ERC20 a activo nativo de Bianance Smart Chain, BNB también se convirtió en la forma de pago usada en la cadena de bloques para los contratos inteligentes y el pago de las comisiones de las transacciones. Últimamente, Binance ha introducido un mecanismo de quema automática para su token criptográfico, que deja atrás el sistema de quema trimestral.

¿Para qué se usa BNB?

☕...Binance Coin comenzó como token de intercambio, con el que la gente podía pagar comisiones de transacciones en el exchange de Binance, entre otras actividades en las demás plataformas de la empresa. Desde su transición a token nativo de Binance Smart Chain, BNB también se ha usado para el pago de comisiones de red en la cadena de bloques, de forma parecida a ETH en la plataforma Ethereum.


perfect project
perfect project

🧾 precio = 0,9996 Bajo un -0,04 %

Lo ideal es comprar cuando cae por debajo de un - 0,1 % .

Pero es recomendable comprar una parte antes de por si no llega a caer por debajo de - 0,1 %

✍️🐯_ La ventaja del trading con FDUSD es la comisión 0 .

✍️🐯_ La ventaja del par FDUSD / USDT , es que no hay pérdidas .

✍️🐯_ Las posibles desventajas sería el bajo margen de ganancias que se puede obtener , y que se necesita mucho capital para tener una ganancia considerable .

✍️_por ejemplo

si el precio cae un - 0,1 %

Comprando 100 FDUSD y luego volver a vender cuando este al 1/1 ,

Nos queda 0,1 USDT de ganancia ...

Con 1000 FDUSD

Nos queda 1 USDT de ganancia ...

y así sucesivamente ....

✍️🐯_ FDUSD es una moneda estable emitida por First Digital Labs, que forma parte del First Digital Group, con sede en Hong Kong.

✍️🐯_ FDUSD es para aquellos que desean beneficiarse de la promoción de tarifa comercial cero de Binance en el par BTC/FDUSD USDT/FDUSD .

✍️🐯_ No es un emisor regulado de monedas estables o activos digitales.

✍️🐯_ FDUSD está respaldado por depósitos en efectivo en dólares estadounidenses (79%) y letras del tesoro estadounidense (20%) con un vencimiento inferior a 3 meses. Estos activos están en manos de bancos y custodios en Hong Kong, Suiza y Australia.

✍️🐯_ Aunque las reservas están bajo custodia de un fideicomiso de Hong Kong, creemos que no están ni remotamente en quiebra. En caso de quiebra del emisor o de su sociedad holding, los fondos de los usuarios no podrán quedar aislados del proceso de liquidación.

#Write2Earn #FDUSD #USDT
good project
good project

☕....El precio de BNB es de $303.14 USDT.

¿Qué es BNB?

☕...BNB, también conocido como la moneda de Binance , es el token criptográfico nativo del exchange de criptomonedas Binance.

☕...En medio de la transición de token ERC20 a activo nativo de Bianance Smart Chain, BNB también se convirtió en la forma de pago usada en la cadena de bloques para los contratos inteligentes y el pago de las comisiones de las transacciones. Últimamente, Binance ha introducido un mecanismo de quema automática para su token criptográfico, que deja atrás el sistema de quema trimestral.

¿Para qué se usa BNB?

☕...Binance Coin comenzó como token de intercambio, con el que la gente podía pagar comisiones de transacciones en el exchange de Binance, entre otras actividades en las demás plataformas de la empresa. Desde su transición a token nativo de Binance Smart Chain, BNB también se ha usado para el pago de comisiones de red en la cadena de bloques, de forma parecida a ETH en la plataforma Ethereum.


good project
good project
#BinanceTournament #BTC #ETH #BinanceSquare #IndustryEvents @AnthonyCarr

Crypto Duel: Bitcoin 🚀 vs Ethereum 📈 - A 6-Month Showdown!

Gear up for a thrilling crypto clash as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) prepare to battle it out over the next six months. Stony Chambers Asset Research has released an electrifying report that paints a vivid picture of short-term fireworks and long-term resilience in the crypto universe.

Ethereum's Meteoric Surge on the Horizon:

Stony Chambers analysts predict a meteoric rise for Ethereum (ETH) against Bitcoin (BTC) in the coming six months. 🚀 Despite a rocky 2023, the report foresees a trend reversal, attributing Ethereum's potential surge to recent market shifts and its role as the hub for AI-related tokens. The dazzling DeFi ecosystem and Ethereum's dividend-like staking process add extra rocket fuel to its potential.

JP Morgan's Bulls Join the Rally:
Joining the Ethereum party, JP Morgan's bulls are placing their bets on Ethereum's growth, fueled by the upcoming Protodanksharding upgrade. 📈 This boost in scalability is expected to propel Ethereum to new heights, creating an even more competitive landscape against Bitcoin.

Bitcoin's Grand Finale - Long-Term Supremacy:

While Ethereum aims for a short-term spectacle, Stony Chambers underscores Bitcoin's (BTC) long-term grand finale. 🏆 Bitcoin's robust proof-of-work mining, highlighted by its resilience during the 2021 China mining ban, is positioned as a show of strength. The report emphasizes Bitcoin's unique advantage of true decentralization, setting the stage for long-term dominance.

Regulatory Hurdles: Ethereum's Stumbling Block?
In the race to the moon, Ethereum faces regulatory hurdles as it is categorized as a security rather than a commodity. 🚧 This potential stumbling block could impact institutional involvement, presenting a challenge for Ethereum compared to Bitcoin's smoother regulatory journey.

To Infinity and Beyond!
In the grand theater of crypto, the report concludes with a call to action. 🚀 🚀🌕
good project
good project
Yeah achievement gain I will share a part with friends of the community binance , this XMAs be profitable for us. Let's enjoy to the maximum are activities by part of Binance. Thanks to all. 🤗🤗@Binance Square Official @TIGRE_48 , @PCreator #BinanceWish
good project
good project
Yeah achievement gain I will share a part with friends of the community binance , this XMAs be profitable for us. Let's enjoy to the maximum are activities by part of Binance. Thanks to all. 🤗🤗@Binance Square Official @TIGRE_48 , @PCreator #BinanceWish
good project
good project
#BinanceTournament #BTC #ETH #BinanceSquare #IndustryEvents @AnthonyCarr

Crypto Duel: Bitcoin 🚀 vs Ethereum 📈 - A 6-Month Showdown!

Gear up for a thrilling crypto clash as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) prepare to battle it out over the next six months. Stony Chambers Asset Research has released an electrifying report that paints a vivid picture of short-term fireworks and long-term resilience in the crypto universe.

Ethereum's Meteoric Surge on the Horizon:

Stony Chambers analysts predict a meteoric rise for Ethereum (ETH) against Bitcoin (BTC) in the coming six months. 🚀 Despite a rocky 2023, the report foresees a trend reversal, attributing Ethereum's potential surge to recent market shifts and its role as the hub for AI-related tokens. The dazzling DeFi ecosystem and Ethereum's dividend-like staking process add extra rocket fuel to its potential.

JP Morgan's Bulls Join the Rally:
Joining the Ethereum party, JP Morgan's bulls are placing their bets on Ethereum's growth, fueled by the upcoming Protodanksharding upgrade. 📈 This boost in scalability is expected to propel Ethereum to new heights, creating an even more competitive landscape against Bitcoin.

Bitcoin's Grand Finale - Long-Term Supremacy:

While Ethereum aims for a short-term spectacle, Stony Chambers underscores Bitcoin's (BTC) long-term grand finale. 🏆 Bitcoin's robust proof-of-work mining, highlighted by its resilience during the 2021 China mining ban, is positioned as a show of strength. The report emphasizes Bitcoin's unique advantage of true decentralization, setting the stage for long-term dominance.

Regulatory Hurdles: Ethereum's Stumbling Block?
In the race to the moon, Ethereum faces regulatory hurdles as it is categorized as a security rather than a commodity. 🚧 This potential stumbling block could impact institutional involvement, presenting a challenge for Ethereum compared to Bitcoin's smoother regulatory journey.

To Infinity and Beyond!
In the grand theater of crypto, the report concludes with a call to action. 🚀 🚀🌕
good project
good project
#BinanceTournament #BTC #ETH #BinanceSquare #IndustryEvents @AnthonyCarr

Crypto Duel: Bitcoin 🚀 vs Ethereum 📈 - A 6-Month Showdown!

Gear up for a thrilling crypto clash as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) prepare to battle it out over the next six months. Stony Chambers Asset Research has released an electrifying report that paints a vivid picture of short-term fireworks and long-term resilience in the crypto universe.

Ethereum's Meteoric Surge on the Horizon:

Stony Chambers analysts predict a meteoric rise for Ethereum (ETH) against Bitcoin (BTC) in the coming six months. 🚀 Despite a rocky 2023, the report foresees a trend reversal, attributing Ethereum's potential surge to recent market shifts and its role as the hub for AI-related tokens. The dazzling DeFi ecosystem and Ethereum's dividend-like staking process add extra rocket fuel to its potential.

JP Morgan's Bulls Join the Rally:
Joining the Ethereum party, JP Morgan's bulls are placing their bets on Ethereum's growth, fueled by the upcoming Protodanksharding upgrade. 📈 This boost in scalability is expected to propel Ethereum to new heights, creating an even more competitive landscape against Bitcoin.

Bitcoin's Grand Finale - Long-Term Supremacy:

While Ethereum aims for a short-term spectacle, Stony Chambers underscores Bitcoin's (BTC) long-term grand finale. 🏆 Bitcoin's robust proof-of-work mining, highlighted by its resilience during the 2021 China mining ban, is positioned as a show of strength. The report emphasizes Bitcoin's unique advantage of true decentralization, setting the stage for long-term dominance.

Regulatory Hurdles: Ethereum's Stumbling Block?
In the race to the moon, Ethereum faces regulatory hurdles as it is categorized as a security rather than a commodity. 🚧 This potential stumbling block could impact institutional involvement, presenting a challenge for Ethereum compared to Bitcoin's smoother regulatory journey.

To Infinity and Beyond!
In the grand theater of crypto, the report concludes with a call to action. 🚀 🚀🌕
Yeah achievement gain I will share a part with friends of the community binance , this XMAs be profitable for us. Let's enjoy to the maximum are activities by part of Binance. Thanks to all. 🤗🤗@Binance Square Official @TIGRE_48 , @PCreator #BinanceWish

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