Alert 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
this is brother hood advice don't take any position now until and unless it crosses 9400 level otherwise too much dangerous will be too hold.... bcoz behind this there is no strong management ..... who can maintain it's level....
and for short if it dips below 8900 than.... otherwise risk is all yours....
there are lots of options available
so many good other coins are available u may trade on those.... this is dangerous dog who can bite to his own owner......!!!!!
Also remember $BTC has not even shown any bull behaviour ..... have u not seen it before on these level even 65000 and 71000 .... what if this interest rate new is very good .... it may has cros
sed 65000 level up to now.... #NeiroOnBinance #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #USRetailSalesRise #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance