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Revoking #Galxe Hacker permissions is crucial to protect your assets in the crypto world. 🛡️🔐 📺 this guide to learn how to revoke permissions granted to this contract: 0x00008c6Dc619b0ea53dd8d02B58Bb726aFc40000 🔓 Want to undo a smart contract? It's as easy as 1-2-3: 1️⃣ Visit [Revoke Cash](️⃣ Copy this contract address: 0x00008c6Dc619b0ea53dd8d02B58Bb726aFc40000 3️⃣ Paste it in and revoke on all these networks:- Ethereum- Arbitrum- Optimism- BSC (Binance Smart Chain)- Base Protect your assets and stay in control! 💪💼💥

Revoking #Galxe Hacker permissions is crucial to protect your assets in the crypto world. 🛡️🔐

📺 this guide to learn how to revoke permissions granted to this contract: 0x00008c6Dc619b0ea53dd8d02B58Bb726aFc40000

🔓 Want to undo a smart contract? It's as easy as 1-2-3:

1️⃣ Visit [Revoke Cash](️⃣ Copy this contract address:


3️⃣ Paste it in and revoke on all these networks:- Ethereum- Arbitrum- Optimism- BSC (Binance Smart Chain)- Base

Protect your assets and stay in control! 💪💼💥

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