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Onchain Research - TheDatafi
Update behavior of Smart DEX Traders with $SAFE on Apr 24 $SAFE's 24hrs trading volume was $78.18M, with $25.46M (32.6%) traded on @Uniswap V3. Crucially, Smart Traders on DEX who bought & holding $SAFE at what price? 🤔 ------- #SAFE is a token representing a Wallet/Payment solution that has gained bullish sentiment from the community due to its popularity and security.💰 According to @0xelonmoney, Safe Wallet is a smart choice among prominent individuals such as @VitalikButerin and @punk6529, as well as Web2 giants like Shopify and Reddit, for securely storing assets and valuable #NFTs using self-custody methods. ------ $SAFE has dropped over 40% since listing, which raises concerns among other traders about the project's tokenomics possibly leading to token dumping. However, based on data from iCrypto Terminal, we observed that the average purchase price of 11 Smart Traders is $2.75. In total, these 11 wallets are holding 80.8K $SAFE ~ $173.9K. The buying order from this group is still significant compared to current selling pressure. Moreover, the unrealized PnL for these 11 wallets is -$51.4K, but they are still holding and even considering DCA added. Current price can be seen as a good entry point. ----- What is your opinion on $SAFE? Share your perspective with us🚀 $TWT $SFP $ICP
Update behavior of Smart DEX Traders with $SAFE on Apr 24

$SAFE's 24hrs trading volume was $78.18M, with $25.46M (32.6%) traded on @Uniswap Protocol V3. Crucially, Smart Traders on DEX who bought & holding $SAFE at what price?
#SAFE is a token representing a Wallet/Payment solution that has gained bullish sentiment from the community due to its popularity and security.💰

According to @0xelonmoney, Safe Wallet is a smart choice among prominent individuals such as @VitalikButerin and @punk6529, as well as Web2 giants like Shopify and Reddit, for securely storing assets and valuable #NFTs using self-custody methods.
$SAFE has dropped over 40% since listing, which raises concerns among other traders about the project's tokenomics possibly leading to token dumping.

However, based on data from iCrypto Terminal, we observed that the average purchase price of 11 Smart Traders is $2.75.

In total, these 11 wallets are holding 80.8K $SAFE ~ $173.9K. The buying order from this group is still significant compared to current selling pressure.

Moreover, the unrealized PnL for these 11 wallets is -$51.4K, but they are still holding and even considering DCA added. Current price can be seen as a good entry point.
What is your opinion on $SAFE? Share your perspective with us🚀

昨晚到今天早上的重要资讯(4/16-4/17) 美国SEC禁止员工使用工作手机访问第三方即时通讯应用 Safe披露SAFE代币经济学:最大供应量10亿枚,5%将分配给用户 io.net公布IO代币经济模型:初始供应量5亿枚,最大供应量为8亿枚,社区最终分配50% 超级人工智能联盟(ASI)定于5月24日启动 SingularityNET、Fetch.ai和Ocean Protocol正在讨论合并他们各自的代币为一个名为ASI的人工智能代币。这项合并计划中,ASI代币在完全稀释后的市场价值预计将达到75亿美元。 韩元超越美元在第一季度成为全球加密资产交易量最大的货币 PayPal取消对NFT的买家和卖家保护 ZachXBT:已完成对Prisma攻击者0x77及其涉嫌的多个攻击事件的调查,并掌握其详细信息 跨链通信协议Analog与CoinList合作向测试网用户提供2%的ANLOG代币 Jupiter宣布推出LST代币JupSOL Coinbase钱包已集成SOL DEX,用户可交易超5万种Solana生态代币 Solana生态DeFi协议Drift Protocol拟推出DRIFT治理代币,未来几周将空投1亿枚 a16z已筹集72亿美元的新资金,并计划在2025年筹集更多资金 房地产股权抵押贷款机构和代币化平台Homium完成1000万美元A轮融资 专注于Web3通信的DePIN项目SendingNetwork完成750万美元种子扩展融资 数据:4月16日贝莱德IBIT交易量12.4亿美元,灰度GBTC 5.26亿美元 #热门话题 #SAFE #ASI #LST #SOL🔥🔥🔥🔥 $SOL $BTC




SingularityNET、Fetch.ai和Ocean Protocol正在讨论合并他们各自的代币为一个名为ASI的人工智能代币。这项合并计划中,ASI代币在完全稀释后的市场价值预计将达到75亿美元。






Coinbase钱包已集成SOL DEX,用户可交易超5万种Solana生态代币

Solana生态DeFi协议Drift Protocol拟推出DRIFT治理代币,未来几周将空投1亿枚




数据:4月16日贝莱德IBIT交易量12.4亿美元,灰度GBTC 5.26亿美元

#热门话题 #SAFE #ASI #LST #SOL🔥🔥🔥🔥 $SOL $BTC
📝👀 Safe revealed tokenomics #SAFE : The maximum number of tokens is 1 billion, and 5% will be allocated to users.
📝👀 Safe revealed tokenomics #SAFE : The maximum number of tokens is 1 billion, and 5% will be allocated to users.
Everstake has launched an official app in SAFE, a platform for managing digital assets regarded as one of the most trusted solutions in this area. #validator #cosmos #everstake #SAFE
Everstake has launched an official app in SAFE, a platform for managing digital assets regarded as one of the most trusted solutions in this area.

#validator #cosmos #everstake #SAFE
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