Binance Square
Baidu CEO Robin Li predicts that artificial general intelligence (AGI), a form of AI that surpasses human cognitive abilities, is more than a decade away. Despite concerns about AGI's potential existential risk to humanity, Li believes that focusing on solving societal problems with AI will lead to AGI's development. This comes after Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin claimed that OpenAI's GPT-4 AI model passed the Turing test. Baidu, a leading large language model developer in China, has around 200 million AI users. Li suggests that AGI could address population decline concerns by replicating human productivity.

Baidu CEO Robin Li predicts that artificial general intelligence (AGI), a form of AI that surpasses human cognitive abilities, is more than a decade away. Despite concerns about AGI's potential existential risk to humanity, Li believes that focusing on solving societal problems with AI will lead to AGI's development. This comes after Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin claimed that OpenAI's GPT-4 AI model passed the Turing test. Baidu, a leading large language model developer in China, has around 200 million AI users. Li suggests that AGI could address population decline concerns by replicating human productivity.

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