Binance Square
Crypto analyst James Check suggests Bitcoin (BTC) could reach "escape velocity" if it returns to $73,000, a term he uses to describe the asset's potential to accelerate rapidly. He believes the market is not yet overstretched, and we are still in a steady phase of the bull run. However, he warns that this price point could lead to a sell-off as short-term holders, those who've held Bitcoin for less than 155 days, may cash in their profits. Other analysts agree that market euphoria hasn't yet materialized. Bitcoin is currently priced at $69,088.

Crypto analyst James Check suggests Bitcoin (BTC) could reach "escape velocity" if it returns to $73,000, a term he uses to describe the asset's potential to accelerate rapidly. He believes the market is not yet overstretched, and we are still in a steady phase of the bull run. However, he warns that this price point could lead to a sell-off as short-term holders, those who've held Bitcoin for less than 155 days, may cash in their profits. Other analysts agree that market euphoria hasn't yet materialized. Bitcoin is currently priced at $69,088.

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