Binance Square
The US House of Representatives has passed the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21), a bill aimed at clarifying the roles of securities and commodities regulators in overseeing cryptocurrencies. The bill now heads to the Senate, where its future is uncertain due to a lack of a companion bill and opposition from crypto critic Senator Elizabeth Warren. If passed, FIT21 would largely assign control of crypto to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, seen as a more relaxed regulator than the Securities and Exchange Commission. However, the latter would still have power over cryptocurrencies deemed not sufficiently decentralized.

The US House of Representatives has passed the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21), a bill aimed at clarifying the roles of securities and commodities regulators in overseeing cryptocurrencies. The bill now heads to the Senate, where its future is uncertain due to a lack of a companion bill and opposition from crypto critic Senator Elizabeth Warren. If passed, FIT21 would largely assign control of crypto to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, seen as a more relaxed regulator than the Securities and Exchange Commission. However, the latter would still have power over cryptocurrencies deemed not sufficiently decentralized.

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