Binance Square
I so want to buy cryptos with the little liquidity I have left That's usually a bad sign Plus we just liquidated a resistance 🤔 so we got the counterparty back in purchase Honestly, it doesn't look good imo... What if the ETF eth spot was rejected? What do you think would happen? I'm studying the possibility And I'm watching what the king BTC is doing 🔥 $BTC $ETH #ETHETFS #Write2Rean

I so want to buy cryptos with the little liquidity I have left

That's usually a bad sign

Plus we just liquidated a resistance 🤔 so we got the counterparty back in purchase

Honestly, it doesn't look good imo...

What if the ETF eth spot was rejected? What do you think would happen?

I'm studying the possibility

And I'm watching what the king BTC is doing 🔥 $BTC $ETH

#ETHETFS #Write2Rean

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