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Crypto Solutions
🚀There are now over 580 million crypto holders worldwide The number of people who own cryptocurrency worldwide has reached 580 million, as per a recent report from This marks a significant 34% increase from the previous year, when the count was 432 million. Surprisingly, this growth happened despite various challenges such as economic uncertainties, conflicts, and efforts to control inflation. Several factors contributed to this surge in crypto ownership. Upgrades in Ethereum's network and the quick rise of Bitcoin Ordinals caught the attention of potential investors. Moreover, the anticipation surrounding the possible approval of 11 spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) attracted even more people to the market. The approval of ETFs was viewed as a step towards mainstream investment, potentially inviting traditional investors from Wall Street. Notably, major players like Fidelity and BlackRock expressed interest in offering these ETFs. Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency among owners, making up 51% of holdings, while Ethereum follows with 89 million holders. Despite a decrease in new investors globally, countries like India, Nigeria, and Ukraine showed increased adoption. In conclusion, despite challenges, the crypto industry remains resilient and poised for widespread adoption, as stated by Kris Marszalek, CEO of #cryptosolutions

🚀There are now over 580 million crypto holders worldwide

The number of people who own cryptocurrency worldwide has reached 580 million, as per a recent report from This marks a significant 34% increase from the previous year, when the count was 432 million. Surprisingly, this growth happened despite various challenges such as economic uncertainties, conflicts, and efforts to control inflation.

Several factors contributed to this surge in crypto ownership. Upgrades in Ethereum's network and the quick rise of Bitcoin Ordinals caught the attention of potential investors. Moreover, the anticipation surrounding the possible approval of 11 spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) attracted even more people to the market.

The approval of ETFs was viewed as a step towards mainstream investment, potentially inviting traditional investors from Wall Street. Notably, major players like Fidelity and BlackRock expressed interest in offering these ETFs.

Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency among owners, making up 51% of holdings, while Ethereum follows with 89 million holders. Despite a decrease in new investors globally, countries like India, Nigeria, and Ukraine showed increased adoption.

In conclusion, despite challenges, the crypto industry remains resilient and poised for widespread adoption, as stated by Kris Marszalek, CEO of


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